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Understanding Object - Oriented Programming: Polymorphism |
Chapter 5: Understanding Object - Oriented Programming: Polymorphism |
5.1 introduction |
5.2 Derrived Class Object to Base Class Object Conversion |
5.3 Type Fields and Switch Statements |
5.4 Polymorphism Examples |
5.5 Abstract Classes and Methods |
5.6 Case Study: Innheriting Interface and Implementation |
5.7 Sealed Classes and Methods |
5.8 Case Study: Payroll System Using Polymorphism |
5.9 Case Study: Creating and Using Interfaces |
5.10 Delegates |
5.11 Operator Overloading |
Summary |
Array, Collection Types and Iterators |
Chapter 6: Array, Collection Types and Iterators |
6.1 Introduction to Arrays |
6.2 Multidimensional Rectangular Arrays |
6.3 Multidimensional Jagged Arrays |
6.4 Collection Types |
6.5 Iterators |
6.6 Collection Initializers |
Summary |
Video training |
Work with Interfaces |
Chapter 7: Working with Interfaces |
7.1 Interfaces Define Types |
7.2 Defining Interfaces |
7.3 Implementing Interfaces |
7.4 Interface Member Matching Rules |
7.5 Explicit Interface implementation with Value Types |
7.6 Versioning Consideration |
7.7 Contracts |
7.8 Choosing Between Intefaces and Classes |
Summary |
Video training |
Understanding Structure Exception Handling |
Chapter 8: Understanding Structure Exception Handling |
8.1 Introduction |
8.2 Exception Handling Overview |
8.3 Example: DivideByZeroException |
8.4 .Net Exception hierachy |
8.5 Finally Block |
8.6 Exception Properties |
8.7 Programmer - Defined Exception Classes |
8.8 Handling Overflows with Operators checked and unchecked |
Summary |
Video training |
Generics |
Chapter 9: Generics |
9.1 Difference between Generics and C++ Templates |
9.2 Efficiency and Type Safety of Generics |
9.3 Generics Type Definitions and Constructed Types |
9.4 Generic Classes and Structs |
9.5 Generic Interfaces |
9.6 Generic Methods |
9.7 Generic Delegates |
9.8 Generic Type Conversion |
9.9 Default Value Expression |
9.10 Nullable Types |
9.11 Constructed Types Control Accessbility |
9.12 Generics and Inheritance |
9.13 Constraints |
9.14 Constraints on Nonclass Types |
9.15 Generic System Collections |
9.16 Generic System Interfaces |
9.17 Select Problems and Solutions |
9.18 Conversion and Operators within Generic Types |
9.19 Creating Constructed Types Dynamically |
Summary |
Video training |
Delegates, Events and Lambdas |
Chapter 10: Delegates, Events and Lambdas |
10.1 Understanding the .Net Delegate Type |
10.2 Defining a Delegate in C# |
10.3 The System.MulticastDelegate and System.Delegate Base Class |
10.4 The Simplest Possible Delegate Example |
10.5 Retrofitting the Car Type with Delegate |
10.6 A more Elaborate Delegate Example |
10.7 Understanding Delegate Covariance |
10.8 Creating Generic Delegates |
10.9 Understanding C# Events |
10.10 The Generic EventHandler<T> delegate |
10.11 Understanding C# Anonymous Methods |
10.12 Understanding Method group Conversions |
10.13 The C# 2008 Lambdas Operator |
Summary |
Video training |