
Microsoft 365 Virtual Partner Summit

This last July Microsoft announced the rebranding of the Secure Productive Enterprise (SPE) to be called Microsoft 365 Enterprise. At the same time we announced a new member of the family, Microsoft 365 Business. All three of these plans share some common characteristics of helping your customers standardize on a desktop platform based on Windows 10, Office 365 for productivity, and EMS for management.

My peers have been posting resources to engage with Microsoft 365 including:

Today, I wanted to make sure you were aware of the Oct 18th (sorry for the late notice) Microsoft 365 Virtual Partner Summit:

Microsoft 365 Virtual Partner Summit (October 18, 2017 @ 8am PST)

We are excited to invite you to attend the very first Microsoft 365 Virtual Partner Summit. Join us live for a special 2-hour event to learn from experts across marketing and engineering as they unveil exciting news that will help you take advantage of the Microsoft 365 opportunity. Get a firsthand look at what resources and tools are coming your way to help you skill up and drive success with your customers.

Special guests include:

  • Ron Markezich, CVP Office 365 Marketing
  • Srini Raghavan, GM Skype & Teams Engineering
  • Stuart Cutler, Director Windows Partner Marketing
  • Diana Pallais, Director Office Partner Marketing
  • Parri Munsell, Director Office Partner Marketing

Register now: https://aka.ms/ALS237e-Reg

SDeming Face  Steve