
29,000 City of San Francisco employees head to the cloud

Do you ever find it difficult to collaborate with coworkers? If so, just think about how difficult it would be to coordinate schedules, meetings and communication with  28,999 other employees spread across different teams, departments, and in one of the largest cities in the U.S.

That was the dilemma faced by the city of San Francisco. In an effort to upgrade technology and improve communication, they looked to the cloud for a solution. By doing so, they became the first major American municipality to upgrade to a consolidated cloud solution which, when complete, will bring together 29,000 employees on a single network.

Having all city employees on Office 365 will create greater efficiencies and allow municipal employees across departments to act as one cohesive group. For example, San Francisco Police Department officers can use Lync for video chats with case workers, and doctors and nurses can communicate faster with the city’s Department of Public Health in order to stop a potential public health crisis in its tracks. The possibilities are endless.

City employees can also utilize online directories to locate and coordinate co-workers calendars to arrange face-to-face meetings or get quick answers to important questions. The cloud platform is also compliant with the FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) regulatory policy requirements.

To learn more about Office 365, including the benefits others are also seeing, click here.