
Microsoft CityNext: How the cloud transformed Barcelona

Barcelona has 20 centuries of history to its name – but it’s not standing still. Changing the way a large city runs isn’t easy, and Barcelona has 40,000 employees offering a wide variety of services. But the city is committed to finding new ways to engage citizens, transform services and accelerate economic growth. Luckily, the city’s leadership was able to meet all three of those challenges by moving to the cloud.

Barcelona’s story is unique and important because it didn’t just nibble around the edges of cloud adoption. It went all in. And the results are nothing short of the remarkable.

Cloud tools helped Barcelona:

  • Improve staff productivity
  • Respond to citizen feedback received via social channels
  • Turn data into insights that lead to more efficient services
  • Maintain a platform that scales to meet changes in demand

The result is a city that’s more efficient, effective and responsive to its citizens’ needs.

Watch Barcelona Director of Information Lluis Sanz Marco explain his city’s transformation.

Want to learn more about how cloud tools empower cities? Check out this handy site from Government Computing on cloud tools in the UK public sector and download our free e-book on getting started with cloud tools for government.