
Home Hyper-V Networking Gotchas

Before the holidays, I bought myself an early present: a new quad-core box with 4GB RAM, which I was going to use for a home Hyper-V lab, so that I could run a bunch of 64-bit VMs as well as the 32-bit staples I’ve been using for years (SBS 2003, and a separate ISA Server box).

I’d had Windows Server 2008 installed on my Virtual Server host for a while, and use it with Routing and Remote Access (RRAS)’ NAT to provide a simple internet gateway for a segment of my internal network.

Lesson #1: Core Quad Q8200s don’t support VT (that’s Hyper-V, kids)

There was a 1300Mhz FSB Q8200 available for the same price as a Q6600, and I figured that I couldn’t go wrong with that. Surely, I thought, all Intel CPUs since the Core2 Duos support Hyper-V?

Well, no, said Intel, and thanks for your money (stupidty tax, I seem to pay a lot of it). The one Quad core chip that doesn’t support Hyper-V is the one I bought. Q8200 is being phased out (I read somewhere), so this mistake should be easily avoidable in the future. Or now, by how-you-say smarter people.

Lesson #2: When you Hyper-V-ify a Parent Partition, It’s Sort Of A Client Too (aka “You may need to set stuff like RRAS up again with the new virtualized network adapters”)

What I mean by this is that when I got the Right CPU and installed Hyper-V, I was without Internets.

To cut a long and boring troubleshooting story short: the physical network adapters I’d configured in RRAS were no longer the Right Network Adapters.

I set up new virtual networks for each physical adapter (one Internet, one Local), and then had to set up RRAS again, because it didn’t think there were any new interfaces to set up – it was quite happy only seeing the old ones, thank you very much.

After checking both virtual adapters were visible in the Network Connections interface, and that they had the right IPs assigned, I rechecked my Windows Firewall settings and ran a port probe to confirm only ports I knew I wanted open were open (RRAS Basic Firewall doesn’t exist any more in 2008, so be careful with dual-homing where the Internet is attached to one of your adapters).

The disconnect here was that I was assuming the parent partition would see the physical hardware – it does, it just doesn’t use it directly any more, it looks like it uses the virtualized setup instead, at least to some extent.

Lesson #3: Hyper-V and DHCP didn’t like each other when the physical host became the parent partition

My RRAS server had (to this point) been my DHCP server for the internal network. This was all fine, and seemed to be working okay (or had my lease durations just not expired yet?), except for the new virtual hosts I created today.

There’s some lore floating around on the forums that worked for me – the bit that worked was manually adding a REG_MULTI_SZ called IPAddress to the likeliest-looking adapter interface in the registry, because Hyper-V setup for whatever reason doesn’t do that.

The DHCP server wouldn’t bind to the physical adapters (or even show them in the Bindings interface), presumably because IPv4 and IPv6 was unbound from them (interesting, hey?) and also wouldn’t show me either of the virtual adapters, which I guess is due to the lack of a static IP address on either of them.

Now, though, my setup’s working nicely, everything more or less as it was before, only virtualized. And thus, you know, more sexy.


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
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  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
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  • Anonymous
    January 23, 2009
    I just bought a Q8300 as it was on the Intel list posted as having VT.. http://www.intel.com/products/processor_number/chart/core2quad.htm It did not work, and it appears from the following that it does not have VT! http://ark.intel.com/cpu.aspx?groupId=39107 What a waste of money.. I only bought it to setup a hyper-v test machine!