o hai
Oh, hi. Is this thing still on?
I haven't been on vacation, actually. I've just been working non-stop for a few weeks on my first LOLcat.
Oh, hi. That's right. I'm all up in your reader, giving you the business.
July 21, 2008
That first picture: Trika, i Kan see U R Not Wurking.Anonymous
July 21, 2008
The comment has been removedAnonymous
July 22, 2008
Funniest...LOLcat...EVAR!!!! :)Anonymous
July 22, 2008
Thanks E. I keep looking at my LOL cat. Apparently I am very pleased with myself. Brent, please invite us all to Hawaii. We'd like to visit. Jigan where are you from?Anonymous
January 01, 2009
Finally Came Back to the page - Trikah, I am from Madison, WI - originally from India moved to yeas few years back..