
Meet the Author (Don Jones) at 2:45 today

This post will be more applicable to you if you happen to be in Barcelona, where we are. At 2:45 PM today we are having a Meet the Author event next to the Microsoft Learning booth in the Ask the Experts area. Said author is Don Jones, who knows things about scripting. For more information, see the extensive FAQ section of this post, below.

See you then!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Who is Don Jones?

A. Don Jones is the founder of ScriptingAnswers.com and the lead scripting guru at SAPIEN Technologies. Hes the author or more than twenty books on information technology, including Managing Windows with VBScript and WMI, Advanced VBScript for Windows Administrators, and Windows PowerShell: TFM. Don has written and spoken extensively about scripting and automation for years, including columns in REDMOND Magazine, MCPMag.com, Microsoft TechNet Magazine, and more, as well as a series of scripting-related Webinars for Microsoft TechNet. Don is a multiple recipient of Microsofts MVP Award, and one of the industrys strongest advocates for Windows administrative automation.