Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in SharePoint Server 2013
If you're a website owner, you know how important it is that users can easily find your website by using Internet search engines such as Bing or Google. The higher your website is shown in the search results list, the more likely it is that users will click on it. Just think of your own behavior when looking at search results. When was the last time you clicked to view the second page of search results?
In the white paper, Optimizing SharePoint Server 2013 websites for Internet search engines, you can find out how you can apply SEO features to your SharePoint Server 2013 website, so that Internet search engines will display it high in their search results list. The white paper covers subjects such as:
- SEO activities that you can do in the planning phase of setting up a new website.
- New SharePoint Server 2013 SEO features and how you can use them.
- SEO for websites that use cross-site publishing.
- How to handle common SEO challenges.
The white paper is written by Waldek Mastykarz , Microsoft SharePoint Server MVP.
January 01, 2003
Yes thanks for sharing! Tips are always more than welcomed!!! Our website also deals with SEO, So it's really good to hear tips anytime.Anonymous
January 01, 2003
Great lists nice information
January 01, 2003
Wow Really Awesome tips,Very useful SEO.Anonymous
December 10, 2013
This is extremely important...Anonymous
December 27, 2013
Pingback from Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in SharePoint Server 2013 | Office 365 Singapore for Business - Win-ProAnonymous
January 17, 2014
Thanks for this. It was very useful.Anonymous
January 19, 2014
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January 30, 2014
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June 11, 2014
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July 14, 2014
Great, i was looking how to optimize seo on my customer web site using sharepoint. Clear now