
Meet us at the SharePoint Conference!

We wanted to let you know that lots of folks from the SharePoint IT Pro content publishing team will be at SPC in Las Vegas next week. We’d love to meet you, and get your feedback on the documentation (SharePoint 2007/WSS 3.0 as well as SharePoint 2010).

We’ll all be at Ask the Experts, Wednesday from 5:45-7:00 (look for the IT Pro Content for TechNet table).

We’ll also be running short (10 minute) usability interviews on Monday from 5-7 pm in Banyon E in the South Conference Center, and at Ask the Experts. If you swing by, you’ll have a chance to:

  • Review the design of our upcoming Solution Center sites—portals that will provide end-to-end support for common solutions, such as Content Publishing Portals and Internet Presence sites.
  • Give us feedback on our new Getting Started page for 2010.
  • Talk to us about partnering on SharePoint 2010 content, or tell us about your 2007 content that you're interested in having us help you publish or promoted.

You can also look for us in the following places:

Margo Crandall (me): Tweet me at @msmargoc or Margo.Crandall@microsoft.com. I’ll be at the Business Continuity session, SQL Server session, and general IT Pro sessions.

Rob Silver: Robert.Silver@microsoft.com Rob will be at as many Business Connectivity Services sessions as he can make.

Samantha Robertson: Samantha.Robertson@microsoft.com Samantha will be at most of the upgrade sessions.

Dan Evers: Danevers@microsoft.com Dan will be trying to get to Office Web Application and Workflow sessions.

Norm Warren: NormW@microsoft.com Norm will be at the business intelligence sessions.

David Longmuir: David.Longmuir@microsoft.com David will be at as many Enterprise Search sessions as he can make.

Nina Ruchirat: Tweet Nina at @msninar or NinaR@Microsoft.com. Nina will be attending IT Pro and social computing sessions. Contact Nina to discuss community engagement projects with content publishing.

 We'll also be blogging throughout the week, so check back. If you have suggestions or just want to get in touch, you can always contact us at itspdocs@microsoft.com.