
Vote for a Better TechNet Design

The Office SharePoint Server 2007 folks think they have a better TechNet TechCenter design. You can see it here: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/office/sharepointserver/default.aspx


Go check it out and give them some feedback, or leave comments here and I will forward them on.

What I really like about it as an IT Pro:

Redesigned TechCenter to appear simple and concise, but be expandable

  • No content “below the fold” (does anyone scroll down beyond the fold on Windows TC? Or click on things “in the fold”?)


  • Filter content by role – how cool is that?
  • Themes based on customer taxonomy, not product group taxonomy
  • Scenario pivot

Now, their library page looks the same, but we must walk before we run, right?

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