Hyper-V How To: Find the right Hyper-V Cmdlet
Jamesone’s excellent PowerShell Management Library for Hyper-V includes a Hyper-V cmdlet documentation PDF file that helps you chunk all the things you can do with Hyper-V using PS, for example, the following list of cmdlets parsed by function:
Admin functions not specific to Hyper-V
- Test-Admin Tests if the Powershell session is privileged
- Get-ScriptPath Returns the path to the script
- Choose-List Allows the user to select a item from a list view
- Choose-Tree Allows the user to select a item from a tree view
- Out-Tree Prevents items in a tree view
- New-zip Creates a new .ZIP archive file
- Add-ZIPContent Adds files to a .ZIP archive file
- Copy-ZIPContent Copies files to from .ZIP archive file
- Get-ZIPContent Gives a lists of items in a ZIP archive file
Conversion functions
- Convert-DiskIDtoDrive Converts a drive ID number into it’s associated drive letters
- Convert-VMState Converts th number for a VM state into the state’s name
Functions for Hyper-V Servers
- Get-VMHost Gets a list of Hosts running Hyper-V from Active directory
Functions for checking WMI jobs created through Hyper-v
- Test-WMIJob Checks on the state of job – can wait until it completes
Virtual Machine
- Choose-VM Allows the user to select VMs from a list
- Get-VM Retuns WMI objects representing VMs
- New-VM Creates a new VM
- Set-VM Sers the properties of an Existing VM
- Remove-VM Deletes a VM
- Export-VM Invokes Hyper-Vs export process
- Import-VM Invokes Hyper-Vs import process
- Ping-VM Ping FQDNs found via KVP exchange integration component
- Shutdown-VM Shuts down a VM’s OS cleanly via shutdown integration compoent
- Start-VM Starts a VM or restarts a saved one
- Stop-VM Powers down a VM without asking the OS to shutdown first
- Suspend-VM Puts the VM into a saved state
- Set-VMState Called by Start, stop and suspend VM set the requested states
- Get-VmBackupScript Gets a script for backing up one or more VMs
- Get-VMByMACaddress Discovers a VM from its MAC address
- Get-VMJPEG Gets a JPEG image of the currect VM screen
- Test-VMHeartBeat Tests the responses from the heartbeat integration component
- Get-VMSettingData Returns the Setting data object for the VM
- New-VMConnectSession Launches a VM connect session to a VM.
VM Memory
- Get-VMMemory Returns the amount of memory assigned to a VM
- Set-VMMemory Sets the amount of memory assigned to a VM
VM Processors
- Get-VMCPUCount Gets the number and weighting of Processors assigned to VMs
- Set-VMCPUCount Sets the number of Virtual Processors assigned to VMs
- Get-VMProcessor Gets active Virtual Processors and their load data
VM Disk Controllers
- Get-VMDiskController Gets an IDE or SCSI controller (IDE controllers can’t be changed)
- Add-VMSCSIcontroller Adds a synthetic SCSI controller to a VM
- Remove-VMSCSIcontroller Removes a synthetic SCSI controller from a VM
Hard disk and DVD drive objects
- Add-VMDRIVE Connects a Harddisk drive or DVD drive to a controller
- Remove-VMDRIVE removes a Hard disk drive or DVD drive from a controller
- Get-VMDriveByController Gets the drives attached to a controller
Hardisk and DVD disk Image object
- Add-VMDisk Mounts a DVD or Hard disk image into a Drive
- Get-VMDisk Gets a list of Virtual disk images in use
- Set-VMDisk changes the disk image attached to a drive
- Get-VMDiskByDrive Gets the VM disk image attached to a drive
- Add-VMNewHardDisk Attaches a new virtual hard disk image to a new drive
Virtual Hard disk image files
- Get-VhdDefaultPath Gets the Default path Used by Hyper-v for VHD files
- Get-VHDInfo Gets information about a VHD, such as its parent, size on disk
- New-VHD Creates a new VHD file
- Test-VHD Tests that a VHD can be mounted, and any parent is mountable
- Compact-VHD Compacts a dynamic VHD file to save space on the host
- Convert-VHD Changes a VHD from one type to another
- Expand-VHD Expands the size of a virtual hard disk
- Merge-VHD Merges the a child VHD with its parent to form a new disk
- Mount-VHD Makes the VHD file appear as a local disk on the host
- UnMount-VHD Reverses the mount process so the VHD can be used by a VM
VM Floppy Disk
- New-VFD Creates a new floppy disk image file
- Add-VMFloppyDisk Mounts the Floppy disk in the floppy drive of a VM
- Get-VMFloppyDisk Returns information about the mounted floppy disk
- Remove-VMFloppyDisk Ejects any floppy disk from the drive of a VM
Resource Allocation Settings data objects
New-VMRasd Creates objects used by other functions to describe VM components
Serial Port Objects
Get-VMSerialPort Returns information about serial
- Set-VMSerialPort Maps Serial ports on a VM to Named Pipes
Ethernet Cards
- Add-VMNic Adds a Nic to a VM
- Choose-VMNic Allows the user to select a NIC attached to a virtual machine
- Get-VMNic Returns information about network cards
- Remove-VMNic Removes a NIC from a VM
- Set-VMNICAddress Sets the MAC address for a NIC
- Set-VMNICSwitch Connects a NIC to a virtual Switch
- Get-VMNicport Gets the Switch port attached to a NIC
- Get-VMnicSwitch Returns the Switch a NIC is connected to
Ethernet Switches
- Choose-VMExternalEthernet Allows the user to choose a host network card
- New-VMExternalSwitch Creates a Virtual Switch connect to a host network card
- New-VMInternalSwitch Creates a Virtual Switch accessible to VMs and the Host
- New-VMPrivateSwitch Creates a Virtual Switch accessible to VMs
- Choose-VMSwitch Allows the user to choose a virtual switch
- Get-VMSwitch Returns information about virtual switches
- New-VMSwitchPort Defines a new port on a virtual switch
Key value Pairs
- Get-VMKVP Gets Key/value pair information sent to the Host by Virtual Machines
- Add-VMKVP Adds a Key/value pair to the list sent to VMs by the host
- Remove-VMKVP Removes a Key/value pair from the list sent to VMs by the host
- Apply-VMSnapshot Applies a snapshot to a VM
- Choose-VMSnapshot Allows the user to choose a snapshot
- Get-VMSnapshot Gets information about snapshots
- Get-VMSnapshotTree Formats the view of Snapshots as a tree
- New-VMSnapshot Creates a new snapshot of a VMRemove-VMSnapshot Deletes a snapshot or tree of snapshots
- Rename-VMSnapshot Renames a snapshot
- Update-VMSnapshot Deletes a snapshot, and creates a new one with same name
Did I mention the Management Library is free-as-in-beer?
Want to know more about James? See https://blogs.technet.com/tonyso/archive/2009/06/24/a-day-in-the-life-of-an-it-pro-evangelist-james-o-neill.aspx
For more Hyper-V scripts, see the Official Scripting Guys Forum.
- Anonymous
August 20, 2009
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