
How To: Become a Senior Program Manager for Microsoft

Joe’s Misfit Geek post today gives some good answers to I’m asked, how did you learn what you know ?”, including:

“1. Spend your beer money on books.

3.) Always have two jobs.


4.) Fight with your boss.”

Tony’s additional tips:

1. Leave no free-as-in-beer money on the table

Example, clicking on the free-as-in-beer tag of this blog will give you a plateful of free offers from Microsoft – why aren’t you asking for second helpings?

2. Show up, on time

Sheila O’Malley spins this one out thus:

…“showing up" is what you MUST do - and that doesn't just mean getting to rehearsal on time, but showing up, with all your talent, openness, creativity, fearlessness, self, fears, whatever - at your disposal. There are those who WANT to "show up" but honestly can't. That's what separates the talented from the not-talented.

3. Look for a pattern, and solve it for everything