Free-as-in-beer IT Pro Scripts
There wasn’t a lot of hoopla last month about the launch of Technet Script Center Gallery, but there should have been.
150+ scripts (just in the first month), free-as-in-beer, tagged and sorted and searchable…
They even hand you an evergreen top ten list, how cool is that?
- Display IE Proxy Exceptions for the Current User
- Convert a WMI Date to a .NET DateTime Value Using Windows PowerShell
- Disk Space monitoring
- Export All User's Properties to Excel Spreadsheet
- Create a Desktop Shortcut
- Stop and Disable the Specified Service
- Delete Unused Printer Ports
- Install a Printer Driver not Found in Drivers Cab
- Install Printer Drivers
- Install Printer Ports
Oh, and Scripting Guys? THANKS for understanding that RSS feeds for everything is a real time saver for IT Pros.