
Forum Greatest Hits: Call Now, Operators Are On Duty

Markus, the moderator over on the ILM forum, has created an interesting new content form: Forum Greatest Hit.



GHs are technical articles that are developed to address the following three key areas:

  • Discoverability – For common questions, you should be able to find your answer quickly and easily without the need to read several related posts to find authoritative information.
  • In-Depth Content - There are questions that require more than just a one- or two-liner as response.
  • Dependability - Strategic questions require a single authoritative response, which must be technically relevant and accurate, not an individual’s opinion.

Each Greatest Hit Article is a result of a collaborative effort to develop helpful technical information.
While written by an technology expert, each article has been reviewed (prior to its release) by a group of Microsoft product and UA and support specialists and thought leaders from this community to ensure technical accuracy and relevancy of the content. Greatest Hits articles are designed to fill a gap between a typical forum post and Microsoft’s official core documentation.

Want to see more of these? Leave feedback.