Brand me
Discussion continues here in content development about whether/the extent to which customers care who develops content – as long as they can distinguish that the information is “supported”. The debate covers a broad range of suggestions, from putting author’s actual names on content (do you care?)
to tracking/reporting all a writer’s activities across TN/MSDN, blogs, forums, the twitterverse, etc.
It is also performance review time at Microsoft, which drives some (thankfully only once-yearly) bizarre behavior. For example, my review process this year includes some “360 feedback” (don’t panic, I initiated it). One website that purports to help with this provided me the following “brand map” of brand tonyso:
- Community-oriented
- Discerning
- Ethical
- Persuasive
- Self-motivated
- Strategic
- Visionary
Brand Skills:
- Innovating
- Presenting
- Learning
- Visioning
- Performing analysis
- Identifying problems
Projective Exercises:
“if I were a dog, I’d be a greyhound, moves fast and hits his own personal target”.
“if I were a car, I’d be a Mustang, runs on lots of power underneath.”
Just curious – any of this come across in the blog? If so, why? For example, if you, dear reader, from reading the blog, find me overly-sycophantic, do please explain why :-)
Perhaps this “internet brand management” is just Myers-Briggs repackaged and updated for the 20-somethings? (I’m an ENTJ, BTW)
Oh, and if you know of an IT Pro job description that covers the visionary-visioning thing – please share.