
Troubleshooting UAG and NAP Test Lab Guide

It’s done! The last in the set of UAG DirectAccess Test Lab Guides (at least for now, the effort is a continuous one).

If you haven’t heard about our Test Lab Guide efforts, check out:


In the troubleshooting UAG and NAP Test Lab Guide we go through a number of DirectAccess and NAP scenarios where we break something in the configuration and then use a number of DirectAccess and NAP troubleshooting tools to see what their output looks like when things get broken. Its a great way to get familiar with these tools and develop skills on how to troubleshoot problems with NAP in a UAG DirectAccess environment.

You can download the Troubleshooting UAG DirectAccess with NAP Test Lab Guide over at:


We also have a Troubleshooting UAG DirectAccess Test Lab guide which walks you through a number of scenarios where you break various components of UAG DirectAccess and then use a number of tools to solve the problem. It’s a fantastic way to learn some of the inner workings of DirectAccess and enables you to get that critical hands-on experience you need to troubleshoot UAG DirectAccess problems. You will learn something new about DirectAccess after going through this Test Lab Guide!

You can download the Troubleshooting UAG DirectAccess Test Lab Guide at:


Check out these Test Lab Guide and let me know what you think. We have other Test Lab Guides and we keep a clearinghouse of the available Test Lab Guides on the TechNet wiki. To see a list of currently available Test Lab Guides, head on over to:


If you have an idea for a new Test Lab Guide for us to put together, then let me know! Send a note to tomsh@microsoft.com and put in the title New Test Lab Guide Suggestion. Or, if you think you can do a better job, write your own Test Lab Guide extension on the wiki.

Also, if you have any questions about the UAG DirectAccess Test Lab Guides, please feel free to post questions on the UAG DirectAccess forum over at:




Tom Shinder
Microsoft DAIP iX/SCD iX
UAG Direct Access/Anywhere Access Group (AAG)
The “Edge Man” blog (DA all the time):
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