
Important Tips on NFS (Part 2)

Why I am unable to change ownership from Windows clients?

This is due to the default Unix style behavior. In Unix side only root can delete files which he is not the owner. Hence from Windows clients even if the user has full permission (i.e. if the file has the permission 777 from Unix), still the user will not be able to delete the file created by another user. He will still be able to modify\read\write to it.

A workaround is to map the root user to the Windows user.


Changed the ownership to the user and then you would be able to delete it. 

Why Windows explorer does not refresh automatically for the file\folder which are created from Unix clients?

To resolve the issue, please follow the steps below:

1. Click Startè Runè regeditèclick OK .

2. Locate and then click the following registry subkey:


3. On the Edit menu, point to New , and then click DWORD Value .

4. Type FCCompat , and then press ENTER.

5. Right-click FCCompat , and then click Modify .

6. In the Edit DWORD Value dialog box, type 1 to enable this hotfix, and then click OK .

7. On the File menu, click Exit.

8. Restart the Server for NFS service.


Issue accessing multipath share using UNC path:

You may get the error message:

Multipath shares are not known to work with our NFS client. When we use multipath, the UNC string is processed and the redirector is instructed to just look for a share after the \ and it fails. Also in case of multi-path the redirector assumes that the first name after ‘/’ is a NFS share and it fails.

The recommendation from our side would be to use single path NFS share. Or mount the multi-path NFS share to a drive letter and then try accessing it through UNC.