
Microsoft @ ISTE (June 27-30, Denver)

We are two weeks away from the big ISTE 2010 conference in Denver, still time to sign-up! I have been busily working on many of the details on the Microsoft presence for the event. You will be able to find us in the exhibit hall in the convention center (booth #1354). We have some fun things planned for the booth (which I will leave as a surprise, as it is something we have never done before! Smile) and we will also have a series of hands-on classes in a mini-classroom right in the booth. Our hope is that you leave one of these sessions with a new project idea for the classroom or a new tip or trick is learned from one of our education specialists or from one of the educators showcasing some of their best ideas of integrating technology in the classroom.

We have a number of new tools that we will be showing at ISTE including Office 2010 and as well as the new Office Web Apps, which is now accessible through your Windows Live SkyDrive (you will need a Windows Live ID to access). Stop by the booth and pick-up our new Learning Suite DVD, which is the one stop shop for all of the free tools Microsoft makes available across our web sites in one convenient DVD for easy and quick install.

We will be hosting a number of free sessions at the Hyatt Regency just across the street from the convention center. These sessions are all free and do not require registration, so check-out the schedule at the site below and add these to your calendar, which could include joining us for breakfast or lunch to get a deep tour of Office 2010 and Web Apps, or a classroom tips and tricks session using our many free tools we make available for the classroom. We will feature an extensive line-up of STEM educator focused sessions on Kodu, Expressions Web and XNA Game Studio as well as multiple sessions on Live@edu, which is our no-cost email and collaboration tools for schools.

The complete line-up of all of our sessions, times and other activities is here:  www.microsoft.com/education/ISTE/ 

Also, we will be co-hosting a number of fun evening activities (also noted at the above site). One item I have not yet posted to the web site is a planned Tweet-Up with our friends from Dell. This will be Monday night (4:30-6:30pm) at 16 Mix close to the convention center. Meet some of the people you’ve been exchanging Tweets with in-person!

I am excited about the event and I hope to have a chance to meet some of you in-person while you’re there – stop by our booth (#1354).



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Technorati Tags: ISTE,Office 2010,Office Web Apps