
Windows Legend Mark Russinovich to Talk Windows 7 Feb 12th

It is funny that of all the cultural and literary references in society, a kid’s cartoon movie like Toy Story is the reference of choice when choosing a title for a technology session.  What is it about cartoons that inspires even the oldest of our industry?  On with it then….

mark_russinovich[1] Join Mark Russinovich to discuss:

Windows 7: To the Beta and Beyond

Date: Thursday, February 12th

Time: 11:00am Pacific Time , 7:00PM GMT


Here’s the blurb about it

Join Mark Russinovich and a panel of subject matter experts for a live discussion of what's in store for IT pros with Windows® 7. Learn about the evolution of features like Group Policy, BitLocker™ To Go, DirectAccess, BranchCache™, and Software Restriction then get tips on troubleshooting, deployment, and application compatibility. Bring your questions—Mark and the panel will answer as many as they can during the hour-long event, then publish the rest in a Q&A after the event.

Find answers to your Windows client OS deployment and management questions with resources, tools, monthly feature articles, and guidance from subject matter experts and early adopters. To learn more, visit www.microsoft.com/springboard .

As part of the “virtual” experience, you may submit your questions about Windows 7 Beta to the panel live during the event—or submit questions in advance to vrtable@microsoft.com .

Thanks to my colleague James O’Neill who pointed this out to me.