
Online Office 2007 Training Resources

During an internal discussion involving a secret plugin, an email was sent out basically giving a laundry list of training material for Office 2007.  Thanks Jessica for sending out this email! I particularly like the printable article and spreadsheets! 

Web-based interactive command reference guides (also available for download; follow the links in the articles to the downloadable versions)

Interactive: Word 2003 to Word 2007 command reference guide

Interactive: PowerPoint 2003 to PowerPoint 2007 command reference guide

Interactive: Excel 2003 to Excel 2007 command reference guide

Interactive: Outlook 2003 to Outlook 2007 command reference guide

Interactive: Access 2003 to Access 2007 command reference guide

Training courses (these also come in abridged, downloadable PowerPoint form via the “Training Templates” link my sig)

Up to speed with Outlook 2007

Up to speed with Access 2007

Up to speed with Excel 2007

Up to speed with Word 2007

Up to speed with the 2007 Office system

Up to speed with PowerPoint 2007

Videos (basically 5-min versions of the training courses)

Demo: Up to speed with Outlook 2007

Demo: Up to speed with Access 2007

Demo: Up to speed with Excel 2007

Demo: Up to speed with PowerPoint 2007

Demo: Up to speed with Word 2007

Full lists of 2003-2007 command equivalents (article and downloadable spreadsheet)

Reference: Locations of Word 2003 commands in Word 2007

Reference: Locations of Outlook 2003 commands in Outlook 2007

Reference: Locations of Access 2003 commands in Access 2007

Reference: Locations of PowerPoint 2003 commands in PowerPoint 2007

Reference: Locations of Excel 2003 commands in Excel 2007

An easy way to get to all of these resources to use the downloadable “tab” add-ins that put links them and some other Office Online locations right into the ribbon in a few of the products. You can find those downloadable add-ins here:

Excel 2007 Add-in: Get Started Tab for Excel 2007

Word 2007 Add-in: Get Started Tab for Word 2007

PowerPoint 2007 Add-in: Get Started Tab for PowerPoint 2007
