Office 2007 SP1 is Out - GoodBye Outlook Problems
My colleague James O'Neill beat me to this one. SP1 for Office is finally here, and none the sooner as I was ready to destroy my laptop and beat it with a sledgehammer because of the stability issues with Outlook.
Funny story, a lot of the bad rap that Vista has been getting has actually been due to poor performance with Office 2007, specifically Outlook 2007. This is not to say that Vista is perfect, but I just like to give credit where credit is due.
download it SP1 (KB 936982)
January 01, 2003
i've sent a note to the SQL product team...they are looking into it.Anonymous
December 13, 2007
Unfortunately it looks like Office 2007 SP1 causes connectivity problems in SQL Server Management Studio 2005 (SP2)... Just installed and rebooted, opened studio to carry on working and now getting connection issues with servers I've used for 2 years :-| That and JIT compiler warnings when I first opened SSMS may lead to a quick uninstall of SP1...