
How To: Secure Internet Explorer Until a Patch is Released

*UPDATE* Dec 18th 2008 - Please follow the link for appropriate patching advice


1. If you’re a consumer who isn’t tech savvy, just stop using IE, use Chrome or Firefox instead.  This isn’t the company line but honestly, I don’t expect Grandma or Grandpa to understand how to do registry edits and unregister DLL files.

2.  If you are slightly computer literate, than put your security zone on “High” for the ‘Internet’ zone.

Go to Tools –> Internet Options –> Security


Note that doing this pretty much means you cant watch YouTube or any Flash based sights.  Anything that uses ActiveX is a ‘no go'.

3.If you are an IT Professional managing a business infrastructure, then please follow the workaround guidance found on our security bulletin.

Please keep in mind that this vulnerability was just published on the 10th of December so Microsoft is actively working on a fix.  Doing it right means Microsoft has to write the fix as well as test it extensively.  The only thing worse that a browser flaw is  flawed browser fix.


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    All IE users can now rejoice.  If you read my post , feel free to ignore the advice found there.