
ADFS WAP: How to configure SSO with RDWeb

1.  System Deploy

  • ADFS : th-adfs2012.mfalab3.com
  • ADFS WAP : th-adfs2012wap.mfalab3.com
  • RDWeb : th-rds.mfalab3.com

A public IP for ADFS WAP points to ADFS/RDS as well


2.  Setting on ADFS

Create a Relying Parth Trust



3.  Setting on ADFS WAP

Create WAP Application,

Add-WebApplicationProxyApplication -Name 'rdweb' -ExternalUrl 'https://th-rds.mfalab3.com/rdweb/' -BackendServerURL 'https://th-rds.mfalab3.com/rdweb/' -ExternalPreAuthentication ADFS -ADFSRelyingPartyName rdweb1 -ExternalCertificateThumbprint '67D438BDDBB455E53CA83D6F5DEC34CC546F711A'


4.  Setting on RDS

Important : Change authentication method to “Windows”



5.  Setting on the Client Computers

6. See how it works