
360° Summer Photo Competition

It’s getting hot out there. Temperatures reach 360° this summer with our Microsoft Photosynth Holiday Competition. Share your favorite 360° holiday-panoramas with us and win a great prize!

The Swiss Academic Team is excited to tell you about this year’s summer competition. We didn’t want to send you back to your desk with closed curtains and jalousies. You were sitting there the whole year learning, writing, coding etc. Don’t you? We did. So, now it’s time to relax and get creative – discover the 3D-photographer in you with Microsoft Photosynth.

It’s a powerful photo-app for creating 360° panorama pictures with your mobile phone. It automatically stitches a panorama picture out of photo-tiles. For this year’s summer competition you just need to install the free app (for Windows Phone & iPhone) and submit your favorite panorama from all over the world to our website. Until August 17th you can submit your pictures. After that time we’ll start a public voting phase where people are invited to vote for their favorite picture until August 31st.

At the end the three most favorite panoramas will win one of the following prizes:

1st prize: Nokia Lumia 900
2nd prize: Xbox with Kinect
3rd prize: Star Wars for Xbox

Find detailed guidelines here: www.microsoft.ch/summerphoto.

We are looking forward to see your summer in 360°.

Best regards,

Your Academic Team


The App of the Week blog category is an initiative of your local Microsoft Student Partners in Switzerland. Feel free to contact us, send us your proposals for an App of the Week or drop some lines below if you want to share ideas, feedback or just want to comment.