
February 2009 Security Bulletin Webcast Videos

Looks like the good folks over on the Microsoft Security Response Center blog now have streaming video of the security bulletin webcasts so if you missed this and want to check it out now you can.  They have the videos broken out into two parts, the first covering the new information and the second covering Q&A.  Jerry Bryant made the announcement and I have his intro and a link below:


This is Jerry Bryant, senior program manager on the security response communications team. We are already posting the Q&A from our monthly security bulletin webcasts here on the blog but if you attended our live webcast on Wednesday 2/11/2009, you may have heard Christopher Budd mention that we were recording the session and would be posting video as well. Our goal will be to post the recordings here each month. And, starting in March 2009, we will be streaming live video in the webcasts so be sure to attend in person and ask any questions you have about the bulletins we are releasing.

To read more and watch the videos see https://blogs.technet.com/msrc/archive/2009/02/17/february-2009-security-bulletin-webcast-videos.aspx

J.C. Hornbeck | Manageability Knowledge Engineer