
Steve Riley on Security

Formerly of Microsoft's Trustworthy Computing Group.

It's your turn: what improvements would you like in Windows Firewall and IPsec?

Yes, the ink is barely dry on the boxes for Windows Vista and we're already planning the next...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 01/18/2007

Bugged Canadian coin story is...wait for it...BOGUS!

Surely you've heard, too many times by now, about the radio transmitters "discovered" in some...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 01/16/2007

Tell us about the junk email you receive

Another gem in the download center: an Outlook (2003/2007) add-in with which you can report junk...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 12/20/2006

Curious about the ways Windows talks to the Internet? Here's your answer.

I was browsing through the Microsoft download pages today -- yeah, even we employees occasionally...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 12/20/2006

BitLocker command line interface

Last week at TechEd Europe I showed the BitLocker command-line interface. At other TechEds I've...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 11/25/2006

Windows Vista vs. hotels

At many TechEds this year I've presented information about the new TCP/IP stack in Windows Vista....

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 11/21/2006

Why administrative passwords will never be like nuclear missile launchers

During the past few months many people have lamented that Windows lacks a nuclear missile style...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 11/21/2006

iPods spread disease?

Well well. Looks like a few new iPod owners are getting infected when they attach their players to...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 10/17/2006

My blog is not a forum for advertisements

It's bad enough that the blasted spammers pollute the value of blogs and open forums by hijacking...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 10/01/2006

Mythbusters beat "unbreakable" fingerprint door lock

My good friend Jamie Sharp sent me this link today. It's amazing: watch how Adam and Jamie easily...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 09/21/2006

Did you know that you ALREADY have an e-mail policy?

An email access policy can be expressed in one of two ways: E-mail is mission critical to our...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 09/10/2006

Ah, the joys of speaking about pre-release software!

Two weeks ago I delivered my Windows Vista System Integrity presentation at the TechEds in New...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 09/06/2006

Security in Windows Vista 64-bit

By now, many of you have heard us speak about or have read our writings on the improved security...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 08/11/2006

Mandatory integrity control in Windows Vista

One of my favorite new security features in Windows Vista is Mandatory Integrity Control (MIC). It’s...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 07/22/2006

Speaking at TechMentor and WinConnections again

Looks like this is becoming a regular thing for me. I like both these events very much. Their...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 07/19/2006

Should your ISA Server be in your domain? Film at 11!

So it would seem that a statement I made during TechEd US last week in Boston has mildly stirred a...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 06/21/2006

www.steveriley.ms is down

That web site runs on WinISP, an experimental ISP hosted for Microsoft employees to use for testing....

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/08/2006

Security myths and passwords

I like this a lot. https://www.cerias.purdue.edu/weblogs/spaf/general/post-30/ In the practice of...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 04/30/2006

What do YOU need out of two-factor authentication?

Two-factor authentication continues to grow in popularity and emerge as a security requirement for...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 04/20/2006

It's time to stop playing war games in the name of "security"

Really interesting article. Military mindset no longer applicable in our line of...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 03/14/2006

File under: "You've got to be kidding!"

Today I upgraded the brain on my i-mate K-JAM. Which, of course, requires a hard reset, meaning that...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 03/11/2006

Domain controller security: it starts at layer zero

Recently I seem to have had the same conversation over and over again, in places as far apart as...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 03/10/2006

A CEO who should be fired

So the CEO of an important customer of ours (no, I won't tell you who it is) claims to be, um, "very...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 03/10/2006

Update to my appearances

Some dates have changed: we had to move the days for the Southeast Asia roadshow in Viet Nam. Also,...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 03/10/2006

Remote Access Quarantine (TechNet Magazine article)

https://www.microsoft.com/technet/technetmag/issues/2006/03/SecurityWatch/default.aspx In those good...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 02/28/2006

It's me, and here's my proof: why identity and authentication must remain distinct

My February Security Management column is posted:...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 02/16/2006

What motivates a journalist?

OK, I have to unload a burden here. I often interact with the tech press in various places...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 01/18/2006

Return on security investment

Soon I will begin a research project into quantifying and expressing return on security investment....

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 01/03/2006

New site at the top of my favorites list

You know, stupid security abounds. I just discovered this site today, and I plan to become a regular...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 11/16/2005

How to secure your wireless network

I'm now a contributing editor for TechNet Magazine. Everyone with a TechNet subscription...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 11/12/2005

But I can't test! My boss won't let me

Yesterday I mentioned that there's no substitute for doing your own testing of updates. I mentioned...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 11/09/2005

When security breaks things

Now that the furor has waned, I want to comment on MS05-051. For those of you who don't memorize...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 11/08/2005

Some videos of me

Microsoft UK has posted videos of various European events of the past year. Various speakers are...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 09/23/2005

Cluelessness abounds

So yesterday I received a rather interesting email. Subject: "INFOSEC Scholarships & Fellowships...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 09/14/2005

Jesper finally got a blog up!

Well, after several months of griping (what else is new? hehe), Jesper's finally started a blog. And...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 08/25/2005

August article: 802.1X on wired networks considered harmful

Several months ago I learned from Svyatoslav Pidgorny, Microsoft MVP for security, about a problem...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 08/11/2005

Tools in the proposed consumer security book

Oh, I forgot to mention that we're planning some tools for the consumer book, too. The first will...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 07/25/2005

Idea for second book -- "Stay safe online: computer security at home"

Jesper and I are planning a second book. We've noticed a distinct dearth of useful, actionable, and...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 07/25/2005

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