SharePoint/Search Server で PDF をクロール対象に追加する
SharePoint Server 2007 ? Windows SharePoint Services, Search Server 2008 ???????????????? PDF ?????????????????????? PDF ????????????????????????????????
Icons are not displayed for Adobe PDF documents that are listed in the search results when you search your portal site in SharePoint Portal Server 2003 or in SharePoint Server 2007 (??)
?????Adobe PDF IFilter ??????????????????????Adobe ????????????????Acrobat Reader 7.0.5 ???? IFilter ???????????????? Acrobat Reader ????????????????????? PDF ??????????????
??????????????? IFilter ???????Acrobat Reader ?????????????????????(????????? 1~4 ?????????) ??????????WSS ?????????????????????????????????????
- Adobe Acrobat Reader ??????????????
- ???????????????IFilter ????????????????
- Filter Central: Indexing pdf documents with Adobe Reader v.8 and MOSS 2007 SharePoint ????????????????????????
- ?????2????
- ??????
- Office SharePoint Server Search ????????
- Filter Central: Indexing pdf documents with Adobe Reader v.8 and MOSS 2007
- ?????????????????????
- Adobe Systems ????????????????????? - ????????????5??????????????
- Icons are not displayed for Adobe PDF documents that are listed in the search results when you search your portal site in SharePoint Portal Server 2003 or in SharePoint Server 2007 (??)
- Icons are not displayed for Adobe PDF documents that are listed in the search results when you search your portal site in SharePoint Portal Server 2003 or in SharePoint Server 2007
- Adobe Systems ?????????????????????
????????????????????: Search Server 2008 Express????????? PDF ?????????????????
????:2007 Office ????????????Zip ???????????????????????????????
2007 Office System Converter: Microsoft Filter Pack (??)
FamilyID=60c92a37-719c-4077-b5c6-cac34f4227cc&DisplayLang=enHow to register Microsoft Filter Pack with SharePoint Server 2007 and with Search Server 2008 (??)