
Service Pack 1 d ISA Server 2006 - les nouveautes

Le SP1 d’ISA Server 2006 sera disponible cet été et va apporter son lot de nouveautés (dont certaines que je trouve particulièrement intéressantes)

ISA Server 2006 SP1 includes the following new features:
- Configuration Change Tracking — logs all configuration changes applied to ISA Server configuration to help you backtrack through your change history.

- Web Publishing Rule Test Button — helps you verify that the rule configuration agrees with what is set at the published web server and provides specific suggestions when they disagree.

- Traffic Simulator — simulates network traffic as it would be seen by the ISA rules engine and gives you specific information about traffic processing along the way.

- Diagnostic Logging Query — an extension to the Diagnostic Logging feature provided in the Supportability Pack, this feature makes it much easier to see only the data that is relevant to the current troubleshooting effort.

ISA Server 2006 SP1 also includes such feature improvements as:
- Support for Network Load Balancing (NLB) multicast and multicast with IGMP operations (KB 938550)
- Support for certificates with multiple Subject Alternative Name (SAN) entries in published web servers
– Kerberos Constrained Delegation (KCD) authentication supports trusted-domain user accounts (KB 942637 )

Plus d’infos sur le site de l’équipe ISA : https://blogs.technet.com/isablog/archive/2008/05/23/isa-server-2006-service-pack-1-features.aspx