New Windows container images of SQL Server 2017 on Windows Server 1709!
The Windows Server Core container images of SQL Server 2017 Developer & Express based on Windows Server version 1709 are now available on Docker Hub! These can be used in both Windows Server Containers as well as Hyper-V Containers.
Windows Server version 1709 brings the following important improvements that developers can take advantage of with the updated container images.
- First of all, the microsoft/windowsservercore image underneath SQL shrunk by more than 2GB, so the SQL Server images are also 2GB smaller.
- The networking support for containers was improved to support Kubernetes, now at beta in version 1.9 beta on Windows, and routing mesh with Docker Swarm.
- If you want to store your databases on remote storage, you can now by using global SMB mounts (New-SMBGlobalMapping) along with a docker volume (docker run -v c:\shared:c:\data microsoft/mssql-express-…).
Supported Operating Systems
- Windows Server Core version 1709
- Windows 10 version 1709
Docker Pull Commands
- SQL Server 2017 Developer (Windows based container) : docker pull microsoft/mssql-server-windows-developer:1709
- SQL Server 2017 Express (Windows based container) : docker pull microsoft/mssql-server-windows-express:1709