Data row before and after vardecimal storage format
Paul Randal in one of his earlier BLOGs described DBCC Page paul-tells-all
and the record layout. I thought it will be interesting to show how a row looks before and after the Vardecimal storage format is enabled. So here it is
Let us take a simple table
create table t_simple (c1 char (5), c2 decimal (38,2))
insert into t_simple values ('aaaaa', 1.0)
If you run the command DBCC Page with option 3, you will get the following output
Slot 0 Offset 0x60 Length 29
Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD Record Attributes = NULL_BITMAP
Memory Dump @0x44D0C060
00000000: 10001a00 61616161 61016400 00000000 †....aaaaa.d.....
00000010: 00000000 00000000 00000200 fc††††††††.............
Key things to note here is that row length is 29 bytes computed as follows
- Record Header = 4 bytes
- Column C1 = 5 bytes
- Null bit map and column count = 3 bytes
- Fixed length decimal value = 17 bytes
Now, let us enable Vardecimal storage format on this table. The following shows the row in the new storage format
Slot 0 Offset 0x60 Length 18
Memory Dump @0x44E8C060
00000000: 30000900 61616161 610200fc 01001200 †0...aaaaa.......
00000010: c019†††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††..
Slot 0 Column 0 Offset 0x4 Length 5
c1 = aaaaa
Slot 0 Column 1 Offset 0x10 Length 2 [VarDecimal/VarNumeric]
c2 = 1.00
Note, now the row length is 18 bytes. So the size of the row is reduced from 29 bytes to 18 bytes representing a reduction in the size of the row of around 30%. Couple of other interesting points
- Decimal value is now stored in variable length portion of the record. The value is represented as ‘c019’, which is just 2 bytes.
- Since C2 now becomes the first variable length column, you see an overhead of 4 bytes for storing variable length column count (2 bytes) and offset array (2 bytes)
February 06, 2007
SQL Server 2005 SP2 では、decimal, numeric データ型利用時のディスクスペースが減る !? vardecimal とは.Anonymous
July 19, 2012
你好,看了您写的内容,vardecimal 存储格式。 当 c2 = 1.00 存储是 0xc019 c0我已经知道 代表的 意思了 请问 19 怎么 解读,才能得到1呢?