
Power BI Training

I have been getting lot of requests on what are some resources available to learn more about Power BI, as such below are some links and Microsoft partners that offer training:

Online Training:

Faster insights to data with Power BI - https://www.microsoftvirtualacademy.com/training-courses/faster-insights-to-data-with-power-bi-jump-start#?fbid=q8o9rTZbm6j

Note: Microsoft Virtual Academy also has training available for other products its a great resource and a must bookmark

Power BI Blog - https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/powerBI/bi-blog.aspx#fbid=SEziSXcMjLX

Power BI site - www.powerbi.com - there are demos and videos in which you can see what is possible


Agile BI - www.agilebi.com.au

Wardy IT - https://www.wardyit.com/blog/post/2014/02/11/Power-BI-for-Office-365.aspx

Riskoff - www.riskoff.com.au

Angry Koala - https://www.angrykoala.com.au/

Pragmatic Works - https://pragmaticworks.com/LearningCenter/VirtualTraining/BusinessAnalytics.aspx https://pragmaticworks.com/LearningCenter/Workshops/BusinessAnalytics.aspx
