
Azure Data Lake Store & Data Lake Analytics Training Videos

Here are some great short & sweet demonstrations on Azure Data Lake Store & Analytics. Great content to get an insight on these data services in Azure.

  1. How To - Create an Azure Data Lake Store Account: https://mix.office.com/watch/1k1cycy4l4gen
  2. How To - Use the Data Explorer to Manage Data in Azure Data Lake Store: https://mix.office.com/watch/icletrxrh6pc
  3. How To - Connect Azure Data Lake Analytics to Azure Data Lake Store: https://mix.office.com/watch/qwji0dc9rx9k
  4. How To - Access Azure Data Lake Store via Data Lake Analytics: https://mix.office.com/watch/1n0s45up381a8
  5. How To - Connect Azure HDInsight to Azure Data Lake Store: https://mix.office.com/watch/l93xri2yhtp2
  6. How To - Access Azure Data Lake Store via Hive and Pig: https://mix.office.com/watch/1n9g5w0fiqv1q
  7. How To - Use DistCp (Hadoop Distributed Copy) to copy data to and from Azure Data Lake Store: https://mix.office.com/watch/1liuojvdx6sie
  8. How To - Use Apache Sqoop to move data between relational sources and Azure Data Lake Store: https://mix.office.com/watch/1butcdjxmu114
  9. How To - Data Orchestration using Azure Data Factory for Azure Data Lake Store: https://mix.office.com/watch/1oa7le7t2u4ka
  10. Core Concepts - Securing Data in the Azure Data Lake Store: https://mix.office.com/watch/1q2mgzh9nn5lx