April Community Night
Last night we held another successful community night at Microsoft in Bryanston with a record turnout of people attending. The community night is held every second Tuesday of every month at the Microsoft offices in Johannesburg. It is an open event to any developer focused user groups that wish to meet and use the venue irrelevant of content. We has discussions on Android development, Audio in Game Design, Trees and Optimisation in SQL, FastTrack and Parallel Data Warehouse, Introduction to F# and Logo, as well as had plenty of pizza and beers for everyone . The following user groups were present:
Information Worker
Programming Languages User Group
SQL User Group
Game Dev User Group
UX User Group
The next event will be held on the 10th of May 2011 at the Microsoft Bryanston Offices. If you would like to get involved or have any questions please drop us a mail.
- Anonymous
September 27, 2011
Hi Dave I want to get invoved in the next event, can you give me details of the date? I am interested in getting into C# development. Regards Paul