“This setup is not supported on 64-bit versions of Windows XP”
.Net Framework 1.1 installation fails with an error message “Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 -- This setup is not supported on 64-bit versions of Windows XP” on a Windows 2003 x64 system. After reviewing the Msi log, I found that it fails while executing the custom action LaunchConditions.
Action start 01:03:54: LaunchConditions.
Info 2898.Tahoma08, MS Sans Serif, 1
DEBUG: Error 2835: The control ErrorIcon was not found on dialog ErrorDialog
Internal Error 2835. ErrorIcon, ErrorDialog
This setup is not supported on 64-bit versions of Windows XP
MSI (c) (D0:24) [01:03:59:798]: Product: Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 -- This setup is not supported on 64-bit versions of Windows XP
Action ended 01:03:59: LaunchConditions. Return value 3.
.Net Framework MSI contains a launch condition that specifically blocks the .NET Framework 1.1 from being allowed to install on 64-bit operating systems. In this scenario we need to add a shim to newer 64-bit operating systems that allows users to bypass that launch condition and install the .NET Framework 1.1.
Download the file sdb2xml.exe and save it under local computer. For more information on the tool sdb2xml.exe, please click on this blog post https://blogs.msdn.com/b/heaths/archive/2007/11/02/sdb2xml.aspx
Copy the file %windir%\AppPatch\msimain.sdb to the same working directory
Run the following command: sdb2xml msimain.sdb -out msimain.xml –extract
Take the file netfx64.mst
Extract the contents of dotnetfx.exe to your temp dir n:\<Installation Source>\dotnetfx.exe /t:%temp% /c:"msiexec.exe /fvecms %temp%\netfx.msi"
The temp directory should contain the following files:
1. install.exe
2. InstMsi.exe
3. InstMsiW.exe
4. netfx.msi
5. netfx1.cab
6. netfx64.mst
From a command prompt in the same directory run the setup like this: msiexec /i netfx.msi TRANSFORMS=netfx64.mst
September 06, 2012
The link to sdb2xml.exe is broken. Is this a Microsoft supported utility?Anonymous
September 06, 2012
I have updated the link.