Code Snippets Galore
We have published a whole bunch of code snippets to make your life easier for C# - these are all very cool and I’d recommend installing them if nothing else other then to see how they work…
Here is the list (copied off the site):
For working with Isolated Storage, ClickOnce tasks, Console Applications and Process Management.
Collections and Arrays Code Snippets
For tasks like creating, iterating, locating elements, and sorting collections like arrays and dictionaries.
For checking network status, downloading a file via HTTP, performing serial port operations, sending email and more.
For common reporting tasks such as printing a Crystal Report, setting report parameters, and configuring report data access.
For performing a variety of common tasks around ADO.NET data access.
For various string conversions, date spanning operations, and other type-focused operations.
For performing a number of tasks around reading, writing, and managing files.
For calculating monthly payments, depreciation, sines, cosines, and random numbers.
Operating System Code Snippets
A large collection of snippets for Event logging, Message Queues, Process management, registry access, windows services, getting system information and more.
For working with hashes, decrypting, encrypting, and getting a user’s name.
For performing common tasks on Smart Devices.
For working with the clipboard, fonts, sounds, GDI drawing, and general Windows Form and control creation.
For reading and writing XML, selecting nodes, performing XSL transforms, and other XML oriented tasks.