
New article on using Interop posted

I've just posted an article on using interop in .NET Micro Framework V3.0.


The .NET Micro framework provides a rich level of support for embedded systems development from handling interrupts on GPIO pins to talking to hardware on an SPI or I2C bus. Unfortunately, sometimes, that’s not quite enough. For example, an A/D converter built into the chip that is memory mapped to the processor core is unreachable by managed code in V2.5 and earlier. For this, and many other reasons, the .NET Micro Framework V3.0 Porting Kit supports extending the .NET run time libraries with custom interop code to call into native (C/C++) code.

This article will cover the process of creating and using custom interop libraries through an example. The sample library provides managed applications access to OEM defined named memory windows in the system for direct access to memory mapped devices in a safe, bounds-checked manner.