Pie in the Sky (October 4th, 2013)
I've decided, this weekend I learn functional programming. Picked up a book on Functional JavaScript and also loaded Elixir so we'll see how that goes. But before I get to that challenge, here are the links for this week:
- Cloud service fundamentals - caching basics: Learn more about the caching on Windows Azure.
Examples of mobile design: Anti-patterns: SitePoint continues it's series on mobile design with some anti-patterns in part 3.
Announcing LoopBack: LoopBack is an open source backend service for storing data for mobile services. There's also a series of blog posts starting up on using LoopBack.
Shumway: An experiment in creating a Flash VM in JavaScript.
Ultimate guide to learning AngularJS in one day: Title says it all.
HTML5 gamepad tester: Displays information about a connected gamepad.
How the Flat UI design style affects interface text: Nice design article on text considerations for flat UIs.
Toastr: JavaScript toast notifications in your web page. Nice demos, going to have to find a place to use this.
Btapp.js: BitTorrent in your browser.
Node.js v0.10.20 released: Another week, another Node.js release.
How to create a Node.js NPM package: In case you need to create one.
Building multiplayer games with Node.js and Socket.IO: Title says it all.
Tux: Ever wanted an interactive shell for Sinatra that allowed you to work with helpers, view rendering, etc.? That's what this is.
Regularity: Making it a bit easier to create regular expressions.
High-speed Rails deploys with Git: Well, Capistrano is in there too. The discussion is also worth reading.
Static site generators: A big list of them.
Grunt deploy, fabric-style: Functions for running remote commands, putting files to a remote server, etc.
JavaScript Allonge: This is a free book on JavaScript. I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but plan on starting it this weekend.
An introduction to ES6 Part 1: Using ES6 Today: Learn more about the ES6 standard. There's actually 3 parts of this published already, linked from the top of the article.
RAML: A RESTful API modeling language.
- Larry