Pie in the Sky (April 6, 2012)
As Larry mentioned last week, we’ve both been heads down working on updates for the Windows Azure platform , hence the relatively quiet blog of late
. This week, however, we have managed to pick up our reading pace a bit…sharing the good stuff we’ve come across here. Enjoy (and learn!)…
- How to setup deployments in Azure so that they use different databases depending on the environment? This Stackoverflow thread has some good ideas about how to do testing in Windows Azure.
- Business Continuity for Windows Azure: This document explains how to think about and plan for availability in three categories when using Windows Azure: 1) Failure of individual servers, devices, or network connectivity, 2)Corruption, unwanted modification, or deletion of data, and 3) Widespread loss of facilities
- https://www.hadooponazure.com/: Second preview of Hadoop based service for Windows Azure now available with expanded capacity and more.
- Bill Wilder does Hadoop on Azure: Carl and Richard of DotNetRocks.com interview Bill Wilder about Hadoop on Azure.
- Getting Acquainted with Node.js on Windows Azure: A good getting started guide.
- Announcing New Datacenter Options for Windows Azure: "Effective immediately, compute and storage resources are now available in “West US” and “East US”, with SQL Azure coming online in the coming months."
- Getting Acquainted with NoSQL on Windows Azure: Starts with an overview of NoSQL, then moves into guidance about using various NoSQL options in Windows Azure.
- Yahoo!’s Mojito framework is now open source: This is an MVC framework that runs on the client and server side. Can do stuff like render the first page load on the server, and then subsequent renders of portions of the page are handled client side.
- Startups, this is how design works: A resource for understanding what good design is.
- Practical Load Testing of REST APIs: You are doing load testing of your APIs right?
- Identifying the Tenant in Multi-Tenant Azure Applications – Part 1: Contrary to the Part 1 in the title, this is actually part 3. This article discusses approaches to identifying the tenant at runtime.
- CQRS on Windows Azure: A discussion of implementing Command Query Responsibility Segregation on Windows Azure in .NET. Sample included.
Have a great weekend!