Pie in the Sky (April 4th, 2014)
It's the weekend I wanted to go see a movie, so of course I now have a cold. Well at least there's lots of //build videos to watch. Here's a list of some of the more interesting links I found this week.
Extending platform commonality through universal Windows apps: Looks like Microsoft is attempting to unify application development across devices/platforms
WinJS: WinJS, formerly a Windows 8 only thing, is now open source and apparently works in modern browsers on other platforms. There's also a site where you can try it out in the browser.
What's new in the Azure Mobile Services client SDK Some stuff for notification hubs and Xamarin apparently.
Azure Mobile Services node.js backend updates: Fixes for the most part.
Browser testing with Modern.IE: I've linked to the Modern.IE stuff before, but SitePoint has a good write up this week.
- The .NET Foundation: Microsoft announced the .NET foundation this week, which will provide stewardship of a bunch of open source .NET technologies. Hit the page for a list of all the OSS .NET projects they are working with.
- Azure Web Sites now support Java: Here's a getting started page.
Build an OAuth2 server: In case you want to roll your own authentication.
Outbound SSL performance: PayPal has some numbers and advice for you.
Node.js security in the enterprise: Securing your Node.js application.
Visual overview of Ruby on Rails: A nice overview diagram of Rails.
Active Record enums: New in edge Rails.
Snapi: Kinda neat API generator.
TypeScript 1.0: Typescript hits the big 1.0.
Analysis paralysis: Good article on overthinking things.
Microsoft Avro library for HDInsight: This is now released. A sample is available.