
Silverlight Splashes Out - DMF Presentation

DMF - Shane Morris - Silverlight Thanks to all who came along to my "Silverlight Splashes Out" session at Digital Media Festival in Sydney this week.

Here are the slides: https://www.slideshare.net/shanemo/silverlight-splashes-out/


"Whether you're animating 2D objects, simulating 3D environments, or creating broadcast-style video experiences, this session shows you the ins and outs of how to create stunning looking sites and Web experiences with Microsoft's new new set of technologies called Silverlight. Learn how Silverlight enables the easy deployment of engaging media experiences that seamlessly integrate with existing Web infrastructure and offer user interaction, streaming video, and interesting community features."

Silverlight Streaming

PS. there was a question as to how much you can upload to the free Silverlight Streaming service and I couldn't remember the answer. The answer is 4Gb.
