
Aussie Expression Users: Reveal Yourselves!

We've set up a little mailing list/group for Aussie Expression users.

The intention is not to replace all the Expression community resources out there (many of which are up on the group’s Links page), or to replace other developer-focused resources, including the OzSilverlight list, but really to help get Aussie Expression users – especially designers - in touch with each other so they can help and support each other, and, yes, so that I can be across what your issues are and help or feedback to Redmond wherever I can.

Apart from providing a mailing list, we can also post up resources, links etc – I’ve started a page of links to Expression Resources, for example.

And as an introductory offer, I’ll send the first 25 members a DVD of training materials (mainly Blend but I’ll see what else I can track down).

And the URL is: https://groups.msn.com/OzExpressionUsers/

See you there!
