
Zune Autoplaylists

Looks like I’m going buck-wild with the Zune stuff today :)

With my Zune Pass, I can download as many songs from as many artists as I would like.  That’s great for filling up my Zune, but in the end you want to be able to kick back and listen to some great tunes.  While some people like listening to individual albums, I enjoy having a nice mix. 

If you are in 9th grade and making a CD for the cute girl in homeroom, it’s okay to do it manually, but I like to use the autoplaylist feature of Zune.

In the bottom-left of the Zune software, hover over the icon that looks like a list, and choose “New autoplaylist”.


You can now select from a TON of criteria.  You can add multiple artists, have it only add songs you like or haven’t rated, include or exclude certain Genres, only include songs you added recently, with a certain number of plays…

The options are pretty limitless!

What songs and artists do you have in your Zune autoplaylist?

