Day1: Microsoft BizSpark Incubation Week for Azure @ Atlanta 09Nov09
Day1 coverage from Microsoft BizSpark Incubation Week for Azure at Atlanta. Check out the live tweeter-coverage (#MBIWk) here.
We kicked-off the event with 7 high-energy BizSpark Startups. Bill Pierson, MTC Director shared Microsoft’s vision on Microsoft Technology Center. I started with event overview, goals, logistics, and BizSpark offerings, immediately followed by a six-hours training covering key features of Windows Azure, SQL Azure, .NET Services. We watched Microsoft Generation 4.0 Data Center Vision Video.
BizSpark Startups:
3. EyeMail
4. FandomU
5. Izenda
6. LessMeeting
7. Linxter
The on-site Microsoft advisors are:
2. Chad Brooks
3. Chris Brooks
4. Glen Gordon
7. Piyush Saggi
8. Sanjay Jain
Thank you to Dmytro Ivanov from SoftServe and Andy Hopper (ATL) and Jeremy Likness from Wintellect helping all the startup steams.
Enjoy today’s pics..
Sanjay Jain
ISV Architect Evangelist
Microsoft Corporation