Configuration Manager 2012 Direct Membership Collection Manager
I recently wanted to experiment with creating a user interface with PowerShell. I found that it isn’t very easy without some sort of development tool. I decided to try out the very handy PrimalForms Community Edition from Sapien. To download this create an account, sign in, and download PrimalFormsCE.exe. I used the tool to create a fairly simple UI, export the PowerShell code created, and then I customized the output for my own needs. While this is mainly an experiment in PowerShell UI creation the tool I created does actually work and might be useful for some folks. It can be used to create new collections, get the members of collections, and add/remove members of collections.
*Update 3/21/2014
One of my coworkers, Ted Teknos, tried to use this script today and it failed. He was running it in PowerShell 3.0 (I developed and tested it in PowerShell 4.0) and this is the error message he received:
At C:\users\ted\Desktop\ManageCMDirectMembershipCollections.ps1:203 char:3
+ $cMCollectionManagerForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Executable script code found in signature block.
Initially I thought this was a signed script or rights issue since it’s failing to load the user interface. I ran the script on a Windows Server 2008 R2 box of mine, which has PowerShell 2.0, and the UI loaded fine. I then upgraded to PowerShell 3.0 and got the same error that Ted was getting. I started removing lines in the script to figure out where things were going wrong and I couldn’t believe what I found. I have a comment in the script:
#Main User Interface Routine
If I rename this comment but simply replacing the “e” at the end of Routine then the script works! I use that word further in the script in another comment but that doesn’t cause an issue.
#Main User Interface Routin
Since I try to avoid typos I changed it to Function instead of Routine. I then searched and found a similar issue but a different comment:
*Update 3/28/2014
One of my coworkers, Jamie Moyer , made some improvements to this script. He modified the AddMembersToCollection function so that it uses the WMI method to add multiple members to a collection rather than the PowerShell cmdlet I was using which added each member one at a time. He noticed quite the performance improvement.
Not bad at all! So I updated the script to use this function instead but also left the original script attached for reference.
Command Line Version:
- Open PowerShell on a machine with the Configuration Manager Console (where it has been opened previously and connected to the site you want to use)
- Run the script: <path>\ManageCMDirectMembershipCollections.ps1 –SiteCode <sitecode> –CollectionName <collectionname> –Action <action> –FilePath <filepath>
- Example: .\ManageCMDirectMembershipCollections.ps1 –SiteCodeCAS –CollectionName “My Test Collection” –Action ADD –FilePath c:\temp\members.txt
- The FilePath points to a text file with the machines you want to add to the collection
- The 3 actions are ADD, REMOVE, and GET
- Example: .\ManageCMDirectMembershipCollections.ps1 –SiteCodeCAS –CollectionName “My Test Collection” –Action ADD –FilePath c:\temp\members.txt
UI Version:
- Open PowerShell on a machine with the Configuration Manager Console (where it has been opened previously and connected to the site you want to use)
- Run the script: <path>\ManageCMDirectMembershipCollection.ps1
- The UI should appear with a list of site codes to choose from (based on the existing site code connections that the Configuration Manager console has made previously)
UI Get Members Output:
UI Add Members (simply copy/paste members you want to add into the text box and click start)
UI Remove Members (simply copy/paste members you want to add into the text box and click start)
UI New Collection/Add Members (simply copy/paste members you want to add into the text box, type in the name of the new collection, and click start)
Script Source:
function GetCMSiteConnection
param ($siteCode)
$CMModulePath = Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path "${Env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH}" -ErrorAction Stop) -ChildPath "ConfigurationManager.psd1"
Import-Module $CMModulePath -ErrorAction Stop
$CMProvider = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider CMSite -Name $siteCode -ErrorAction Stop
CD "$($CMProvider.SiteCode):\"
$global:CMProvider = $CMProvider
return $CMProvider
function GetCMSiteConnections
$CMModulePath = Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path "${Env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH}" -ErrorAction Stop) -ChildPath "ConfigurationManager.psd1"
Import-Module $CMModulePath -ErrorAction Stop
return (Get-PSDrive -PSProvider CMSite -ErrorAction Stop)
function GetMembersFromTxtFile
$members = Get-Content $filePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (!($?))
Write-Host "Failed to read file, exiting:"$filePath -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Yellow
$ht = @{}
foreach ($member in $members) { $ht.Add($member.ToString().ToUpper(), $member.ToString()) }
return $ht
function GetCollectionType
$collection = Get-CMDeviceCollection -Name $collectionName
if ($collection) { $collectionType = 'DEVICE' }
$collection = Get-CMUserCollection -Name $collectionName
if ($collection) { $collectionType = 'USER' }
else { $collectionType = 'NEW' }
return $collectionType
function GetCollections
$a = @()
$collections = Get-CMDeviceCollection
foreach ($collection in $collections) { $a += $collection.Name.ToString() }
$collections = Get-CMUserCollection
foreach ($collection in $collections) { $a += $collection.Name.ToString() }
return ($a | sort)
function GetMembersFromCollection
param($collectionName, $collectionType)
if ($collectionType -eq 'DEVICE') { $members = Get-CMDeviceCollection -Name $collectionName | select -ExpandProperty CollectionRules | where {$_.ResourceID -ne $null} | select RuleName }
elseif ($collectionType -eq 'USER') { $members = Get-CMUserCollection -Name $collectionName | select -ExpandProperty CollectionRules | where {$_.ResourceID -ne $null} | select RuleName }
else { Write-Host "Collection"$collectionName" does not exist" -ForegroundColor Red }
$ht = @{}
foreach ($member in $members) { $ht.Add($member.RuleName.ToString().ToUpper(), $member.RuleName.ToString()) }
return $ht
function GetArrayOfMembersFromCollection
$a = @()
$collectionType = GetCollectionType -collectionName $collectionName
$ht = GetMembersFromCollection -collectionName $collectionName -collectionType $collectionType
foreach ($h in $ht.GetEnumerator()) { $a += $h.Value }
return ($a | sort)
function AddMembersToCollection
param($collectionName, $collectionType, $existingMembers, $newMembers)
Write-Host $newMembers.Count"members to add to collection"$collectionName
if ($collectionType -eq 'DEVICE')
$collectionId = Get-CMDeviceCollection -Name $collectionName | select -ExpandProperty CollectionID | select -first 1
$collectionId = Get-CMUserCollection -Name $collectionName | select -ExpandProperty CollectionID | select -first 1
$SccmServer = $global:CMProvider.Root
$SccmNamespace = "root\sms\site_$($global:CMProvider.Name)"
$coll = [wmi]"\\$($SccmServer)\root\sms\site_$($global:CMProvider.Name):SMS_Collection.CollectionId='$collectionId'"
$ruleClass = [WMICLASS]"\\$($SccmServer)\root\sms\site_$($global:CMProvider.Name):SMS_CollectionRuleDirect"
[array]$rules = $null
$count = 0
foreach ($newMember in $newMembers.GetEnumerator())
if ($existingMembers.ContainsKey($newMember.Key.ToString()))
Write-Host " "$newMember.Value.ToString()"already exists in collection, skipping" -ForegroundColor Yellow
if ($UI) { UpdateUI -member $newMember.Value.ToString() -status " already exists in collection, skipping" }
if ($collectionType -eq 'DEVICE')
$resource = gwmi -ComputerName $SccmServer -Namespace $SccmNamespace -Class "SMS_R_System" -Filter "Name = '$($newMember.Value.ToString())'" | select name,resourceid
$resource = gwmi -ComputerName $SccmServer -Namespace $SccmNamespace -Class "SMS_R_User" -Filter "UserName = '$($newMember.Value.ToString())'" | select name,resourceid
if ($resource -ne $null)
if ($collectionType -eq 'DEVICE')
$newRule = $ruleClass.CreateInstance()
$newRule.RuleName = $($
$newRule.ResourceClassName = "SMS_R_System"
$newRule.ResourceID = $($resource.resourceid)
$rules += $newRule
$newRule = $ruleClass.CreateInstance()
$newRule.RuleName = $($
$newRule.ResourceClassName = "SMS_R_User"
$newRule.ResourceID = $($resource.resourceid)
$rules += $newRule
Write-Host " "$newMember.Value.ToString()"added to collection" -ForegroundColor Green
if ($UI) { UpdateUI -member $newMember.Value.ToString() -status " added to collection" }
Write-Host " "$newMember.Value.ToString()"was not found in SCCM, skipping" -ForegroundColor Red
if ($UI) { UpdateUI -member $newMember.Value.ToString() -status " was not found in SCCM, skipping" }
If($rules.Count -gt 0)
#Add all the rules in the array
$coll.AddMembershipRules($rules) | Out-Null
#Refresh the collection
$coll.requestrefresh() | Out-Null
Write-Host $count" new members added to collection "$collectionName
function RemoveMembersFromCollection
param($collectionName, $collectionType, $existingMembers, $oldMembers)
Write-Host $oldMembers.Count"members to remove from collection"$collectionName
$count = 0
foreach ($oldMember in $oldMembers.GetEnumerator())
if (!($existingMembers.ContainsKey($oldMember.Key.ToString())))
Write-Host " "$oldMember.Value.ToString()"does not exist in collection, skipping" -ForegroundColor Yellow
if ($UI) { UpdateUI -member $oldMember.Value.ToString() -status " does not exist in collection, skipping" }
if ($collectionType -eq 'DEVICE') { Remove-CMDeviceCollectionDirectMembershipRule -CollectionName $collectionName -ResourceName $oldMember.Value.ToString() -Force }
else { Remove-CMUserCollectionDirectMembershipRule -CollectionName $collectionName -ResourceName $oldMember.Value.ToString() -Force }
Write-Host " "$oldMember.Value.ToString()"removed from collection" -ForegroundColor Green
if ($UI) { UpdateUI -member $oldMember.Value.ToString() -status " removed from collection" }
Write-Host $count" members removed from collection "$collectionName
function GetCollectionTypeFromMember
$resource = Get-CMDevice -Name $newMember
if ($resource) { $ret = 'DEVICE' }
$resource = Get-CMUser -Name $newMember
if ($resource) { $ret = 'USER' }
Write-Host "Unable to find first member specified in txt file and there is no existing collection, exiting:"$newMember -ForegroundColor Red
return $ret
function CreateNewCollection
param($collectionName, $limitingCollectionName, $newMembers)
foreach ($newMember in $newMembers.GetEnumerator()) { $member = $newMember.Value.ToString(); break }
$collectionType = GetCollectionTypeFromMember -newMember $member
if ($collectionType -eq 'DEVICE')
if ($limitingCollectionName -eq $null) { $limitingCollectionName = 'All Systems' }
$coll = New-CMDeviceCollection -Name $collectionName -LimitingCollectionName $limitingCollectionName
Write-Host "New Device Collection Created:"$collectionName -ForegroundColor Green
if ($limitingCollectionName -eq $null) { $limitingCollectionName = 'All Users' }
$coll = New-CMUserCollection -Name $collectionName -LimitingCollectionName $limitingCollectionName
Write-Host "New User Collection Created:"$collectionName -ForegroundColor Green
function ConvertArrayToHashTable
$ht = @{}
foreach ($a in $array)
{ try { $ht.Add($a.ToString(), $a.ToString()) } catch {} }
return $ht
function UpdateUI
param($member, $status)
$a = $global:CollectionMembersTextBox.Lines
$i = $a.IndexOf($member)
$newString = $member + $status
$a[$i] = $newString
$global:CollectionMembersTextBox.Lines = $a
#Main User Interface Function
function UIMain
#Create UI objects
$cMCollectionManagerForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
$newCollectionTextBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
$existingCollectionButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton
$newCollectionButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton
$startButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$chooseSiteCodeComboBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
$existingCollectionComboBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
$chooseActionComboBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
$limitingCollectionComboBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
$panel1 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Panel
$panel2 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Panel
$siteCodeLabel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$limitingCollectionLabel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$actionLabel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$collectionMembersLabel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$initialFormWindowState = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState
#Load Form
#Get site codes
#Site Code Selected
#Change to correct drive
CD "$($chooseSiteCodeComboBox.SelectedItem):\"
$CMProvider = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider CMSite -Name $chooseSiteCodeComboBox.SelectedItem -ErrorAction Stop
$global:CMProvider = $CMProvider
#Enable actions
$chooseActionComboBox.Enabled = $true
$actionLabel.Enabled = $true
#Action Selected
#Get Members
if ($chooseActionComboBox.SelectedItem -eq "Get Direct Members")
$existingCollectionButton.Enabled = $true
$existingCollectionButton.Checked = $true
$existingCollectionComboBox.Enabled = $true
$newCollectionButton.Enabled = $false
$newCollectionTextBox.Enabled = $false
$limitingCollectionLabel.Enabled = $false
$limitingCollectionComboBox.Enabled = $false
$global:CollectionMembersTextBox.Enabled = $false
$collectionMembersLabel.Enabled = $false
#Add Members
if ($chooseActionComboBox.SelectedItem -eq "Add Direct Members")
$existingCollectionButton.Enabled = $true
$newCollectionButton.Enabled = $true
$global:CollectionMembersTextBox.Enabled = $true
$collectionMembersLabel.Enabled = $true
#Remove Members
if ($chooseActionComboBox.SelectedItem -eq "Remove Direct Members")
$existingCollectionButton.Enabled = $true
$existingCollectionButton.Checked = $true
$existingCollectionComboBox.Enabled = $true
$newCollectionButton.Enabled = $false
$newCollectionTextBox.Enabled = $false
$limitingCollectionLabel.Enabled = $false
$limitingCollectionComboBox.Enabled = $false
$global:CollectionMembersTextBox.Enabled = $true
$collectionMembersLabel.Enabled = $true
#Existing Collection Selected
#Get Members
if ($chooseActionComboBox.SelectedItem -eq "Get Direct Members")
$startButton.Enabled = $true
#Add Members
if ($chooseActionComboBox.SelectedItem -eq "Add Direct Members")
$startButton.Enabled = $true
$collectionMembersLabel.Visible = $true
$global:CollectionMembersTextBox.Enabled = $true
#Remove Members
if ($chooseActionComboBox.SelectedItem -eq "Remove Direct Members")
$startButton.Enabled = $true
$collectionMembersLabel.Visible = $true
$global:CollectionMembersTextBox.Enabled = $true
#Existing Collection Button Selected
if ($existingCollectionButton.Checked)
$existingCollectionComboBox.Enabled = $true
if ($existingCollectionComboBox.Items.Count -eq 0) { $existingCollectionComboBox.Items.AddRange((GetCollections)) }
$existingCollectionComboBox.Enabled = $false
#New Collection Button Selected
if ($newCollectionButton.Checked)
$newCollectionTextBox.Enabled = $true
$limitingCollectionLabel.Enabled = $true
$limitingCollectionComboBox.Enabled = $true
$startButton.Enabled = $true
$global:CollectionMembersTextBox.Enabled = $true
if ($limitingCollectionComboBox.Items.Count -eq 0) { $limitingCollectionComboBox.Items.AddRange((GetCollections)) }
$newCollectionTextBox.Enabled = $false
$limitingCollectionLabel.Enabled = $false
$limitingCollectionComboBox.Enabled = $false
#Get Members
if ($chooseActionComboBox.SelectedItem -eq "Get Direct Members")
$global:CollectionMembersTextBox.Enabled = $true
$global:CollectionMembersTextBox.Lines = GetArrayOfMembersFromCollection -collectionName $existingCollectionComboBox.SelectedItem
#Add Members
if ($chooseActionComboBox.SelectedItem -eq "Add Direct Members")
if (($newCollectionTextBox.Text -ne $null) -and ($newCollectionButton.Checked))
CreateNewCollection -collectionName $newCollectionTextBox.Text -limitingCollectionName $limitingCollectionComboBox.Text -newMembers (ConvertArrayToHashTable -array $global:CollectionMembersTextBox.Lines)
$collectionType = GetCollectionType -collectionName $newCollectionTextBox.Text
AddMembersToCollection -collectionName $newCollectionTextBox.Text -collectionType $collectionType -existingMembers @{} -newMembers (ConvertArrayToHashTable -array $global:CollectionMembersTextBox.Lines)
elseif (($existingCollectionComboBox.SelectedItem -ne $null) -and ($existingCollectionButton.Checked))
$collectionType = GetCollectionType -collectionName $existingCollectionComboBox.SelectedItem
$existingMembers = GetMembersFromCollection -collectionName $existingCollectionComboBox.SelectedItem -collectionType $collectionType
AddMembersToCollection -collectionName $existingCollectionComboBox.SelectedItem -collectionType $collectionType -existingMembers $existingMembers -newMembers (ConvertArrayToHashTable -array $global:CollectionMembersTextBox.Lines)
#Remove Members
if ($chooseActionComboBox.SelectedItem -eq "Remove Direct Members")
if (($existingCollectionComboBox.SelectedItem -ne $null) -and ($existingCollectionButton.Checked))
$collectionType = GetCollectionType -collectionName $existingCollectionComboBox.SelectedItem
$existingMembers = GetMembersFromCollection -collectionName $existingCollectionComboBox.SelectedItem -collectionType $collectionType
RemoveMembersFromCollection -collectionName $existingCollectionComboBox.SelectedItem -collectionType $collectionType -existingMembers $existingMembers -oldMembers (ConvertArrayToHashTable -array $global:CollectionMembersTextBox.Lines)
#Correct the initial state of the form to prevent the .Net maximized form issue
$cMCollectionManagerForm.WindowState = $initialFormWindowState
#Main Form Settings
$system_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size
$system_Drawing_Size.Height = 741
$system_Drawing_Size.Width = 691
$cMCollectionManagerForm.ClientSize = $system_Drawing_Size
$cMCollectionManagerForm.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0
$cMCollectionManagerForm.Name = "CMCollectionManager"
$cMCollectionManagerForm.Text = "SCCM 2012 Direct Membership Collection Manager"
#Start Button
$startButton.Enabled = $false
$startButton.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0
$startButton.Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif",12,0,3,1)
$system_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point
$system_Drawing_Point.X = 196
$system_Drawing_Point.Y = 698
$startButton.Location = $system_Drawing_Point
$startButton.Name = "StartButton"
$system_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size
$system_Drawing_Size.Height = 31
$system_Drawing_Size.Width = 298
$startButton.Size = $system_Drawing_Size
$startButton.TabIndex = 14
$startButton.Text = "Start"
$startButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = $true
#Collection Members Label
$collectionMembersLabel.Visible = $false
$collectionMembersLabel.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0
$collectionMembersLabel.Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif",12,0,3,1)
$system_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point
$system_Drawing_Point.X = 196
$system_Drawing_Point.Y = 242
$collectionMembersLabel.Location = $system_Drawing_Point
$collectionMembersLabel.Name = "CollectionMembersLabel"
$system_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size
$system_Drawing_Size.Height = 32
$system_Drawing_Size.Width = 320
$collectionMembersLabel.Size = $system_Drawing_Size
$collectionMembersLabel.TabIndex = 13
$collectionMembersLabel.Text = "Paste Collection Members Below"
#Collection Members Text Box
$global:CollectionMembersTextBox.Enabled = $false
$global:CollectionMembersTextBox.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0
$system_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point
$system_Drawing_Point.X = 25
$system_Drawing_Point.Y = 277
$global:CollectionMembersTextBox.Location = $system_Drawing_Point
$global:CollectionMembersTextBox.MaxLength = 200000
$global:CollectionMembersTextBox.Multiline = $true
$global:CollectionMembersTextBox.Name = "CollectionMembersTextBox"
$global:CollectionMembersTextBox.ScrollBars = 2
$system_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size
$system_Drawing_Size.Height = 397
$system_Drawing_Size.Width = 638
$global:CollectionMembersTextBox.Size = $system_Drawing_Size
$global:CollectionMembersTextBox.TabIndex = 12
#Choose Action Combo Box
$chooseActionComboBox.Enabled = $false
$chooseActionComboBox.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0
$chooseActionComboBox.FormattingEnabled = $true
$chooseActionComboBox.ItemHeight = 17
$chooseActionComboBox.Items.Add("Get Direct Members")|Out-Null
$chooseActionComboBox.Items.Add("Add Direct Members")|Out-Null
$chooseActionComboBox.Items.Add("Remove Direct Members")|Out-Null
$system_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point
$system_Drawing_Point.X = 196
$system_Drawing_Point.Y = 75
$chooseActionComboBox.Location = $system_Drawing_Point
$chooseActionComboBox.Name = "chooseAction"
$system_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size
$system_Drawing_Size.Height = 21
$system_Drawing_Size.Width = 453
$chooseActionComboBox.Size = $system_Drawing_Size
$chooseActionComboBox.TabIndex = 8
#Limiting Collection Combo Box
$limitingCollectionComboBox.Enabled = $false
$limitingCollectionComboBox.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0
$limitingCollectionComboBox.FormattingEnabled = $true
$limitingCollectionComboBox.ItemHeight = 17
$system_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point
$system_Drawing_Point.X = 196
$system_Drawing_Point.Y = 197
$limitingCollectionComboBox.Location = $system_Drawing_Point
$limitingCollectionComboBox.Name = "LimitingCollectionComboBox"
$system_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size
$system_Drawing_Size.Height = 21
$system_Drawing_Size.Width = 453
$limitingCollectionComboBox.Size = $system_Drawing_Size
$limitingCollectionComboBox.TabIndex = 7
#New Collection Text Box
$newCollectionTextBox.Enabled = $false
$newCollectionTextBox.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0
$system_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point
$system_Drawing_Point.X = 196
$system_Drawing_Point.Y = 168
$newCollectionTextBox.Location = $system_Drawing_Point
$newCollectionTextBox.Name = "NewCollectionTextBox"
$system_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size
$system_Drawing_Size.Height = 23
$system_Drawing_Size.Width = 453
$newCollectionTextBox.Size = $system_Drawing_Size
$newCollectionTextBox.TabIndex = 6
$newCollectionTextBox.Text = "<Enter Collection Name>"
#Existing Collection Combo Box
$existingCollectionComboBox.Enabled = $false
$existingCollectionComboBox.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0
$existingCollectionComboBox.FormattingEnabled = $true
$system_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point
$system_Drawing_Point.X = 196
$system_Drawing_Point.Y = 138
$existingCollectionComboBox.Location = $system_Drawing_Point
$existingCollectionComboBox.Name = "CollectionBox"
$system_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size
$system_Drawing_Size.Height = 25
$system_Drawing_Size.Width = 453
$existingCollectionComboBox.Size = $system_Drawing_Size
$existingCollectionComboBox.TabIndex = 5
#Existing Collection Button
$existingCollectionButton.Enabled = $false
$existingCollectionButton.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0
$system_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point
$system_Drawing_Point.X = 36
$system_Drawing_Point.Y = 138
$existingCollectionButton.Location = $system_Drawing_Point
$existingCollectionButton.Name = "ExitingCollectionButton"
$system_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size
$system_Drawing_Size.Height = 24
$system_Drawing_Size.Width = 142
$existingCollectionButton.Size = $system_Drawing_Size
$existingCollectionButton.TabIndex = 4
$existingCollectionButton.TabStop = $true
$existingCollectionButton.Text = "Existing Collection"
$existingCollectionButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = $true
#New Collection Button
$newCollectionButton.Enabled = $false
$newCollectionButton.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0
$system_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point
$system_Drawing_Point.X = 36
$system_Drawing_Point.Y = 168
$newCollectionButton.Location = $system_Drawing_Point
$newCollectionButton.Name = "NewCollectionButton"
$system_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size
$system_Drawing_Size.Height = 24
$system_Drawing_Size.Width = 142
$newCollectionButton.Size = $system_Drawing_Size
$newCollectionButton.TabIndex = 3
$newCollectionButton.TabStop = $true
$newCollectionButton.Text = "New Collection"
$newCollectionButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = $true
#Choose Site Code List
$chooseSiteCodeComboBox.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0
$chooseSiteCodeComboBox.FormattingEnabled = $true
$chooseSiteCodeComboBox.ItemHeight = 17
$system_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point
$system_Drawing_Point.X = 196
$system_Drawing_Point.Y = 47
$chooseSiteCodeComboBox.Location = $system_Drawing_Point
$chooseSiteCodeComboBox.Name = "<Choose Site Code>"
$system_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size
$system_Drawing_Size.Height = 21
$system_Drawing_Size.Width = 453
$chooseSiteCodeComboBox.Size = $system_Drawing_Size
$chooseSiteCodeComboBox.TabIndex = 1
#Site Code Label
$siteCodeLabel.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0
$system_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point
$system_Drawing_Point.X = 54
$system_Drawing_Point.Y = 45
$siteCodeLabel.Location = $system_Drawing_Point
$siteCodeLabel.Name = "SiteCodeLabel"
$system_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size
$system_Drawing_Size.Height = 23
$system_Drawing_Size.Width = 124
$siteCodeLabel.Size = $system_Drawing_Size
$siteCodeLabel.TabIndex = 0
$siteCodeLabel.Text = "Choose Site Code"
#First Panel
$panel1.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0
$system_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point
$system_Drawing_Point.X = 25
$system_Drawing_Point.Y = 127
$panel1.Location = $system_Drawing_Point
$panel1.Name = "panel1"
$system_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size
$system_Drawing_Size.Height = 100
$system_Drawing_Size.Width = 638
$panel1.Size = $system_Drawing_Size
$panel1.TabIndex = 10
#Second Panel
$panel2.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0
$system_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point
$system_Drawing_Point.X = 25
$system_Drawing_Point.Y = 23
$panel2.Location = $system_Drawing_Point
$panel2.Name = "panel2"
$system_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size
$system_Drawing_Size.Height = 100
$system_Drawing_Size.Width = 638
$panel2.Size = $system_Drawing_Size
$panel2.TabIndex = 11
#Limiting Collection Label
$limitingCollectionLabel.Enabled = $false
$limitingCollectionLabel.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0
$system_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point
$system_Drawing_Point.X = 29
$system_Drawing_Point.Y = 70
$limitingCollectionLabel.Location = $system_Drawing_Point
$limitingCollectionLabel.Name = "limitingCollectionLabel"
$system_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size
$system_Drawing_Size.Height = 23
$system_Drawing_Size.Width = 124
$limitingCollectionLabel.Size = $system_Drawing_Size
$limitingCollectionLabel.TabIndex = 0
$limitingCollectionLabel.Text = "Limiting Collection"
#Action Label
$actionLabel.Enabled = $false
$actionLabel.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0
$system_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point
$system_Drawing_Point.X = 29
$system_Drawing_Point.Y = 52
$actionLabel.Location = $system_Drawing_Point
$actionLabel.Name = "ActionLabel"
$system_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size
$system_Drawing_Size.Height = 23
$system_Drawing_Size.Width = 124
$actionLabel.Size = $system_Drawing_Size
$actionLabel.TabIndex = 9
$actionLabel.Text = "Choose Action"
#Save the initial state of the form
$initialFormWindowState = $cMCollectionManagerForm.WindowState
#Init the OnLoad event to correct the initial state of the form
#Show the Form
$cMCollectionManagerForm.ShowDialog()| Out-Null
#Main Console Routine
function ConsoleMain
param($siteCode, $collectionName, $action, $filePath)
Write-Host "SCCM 2012 SP1 Collection Manager"
Write-Host "Version 1.0"
Write-Host "Parameters"
Write-Host " SiteCode: "$siteCode -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host " CollectionName: "$collectionName -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host " Action: "$action -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host " FilePath: "$filePath -ForegroundColor Green
#Connect to SCCM, must have SCCM Admin Console installed for this to work
#If this fails then connect with the console to the site you want to use, then open PowerShell from that console
$cm = GetCMSiteConnection -siteCode $siteCode
Write-Host "Connected to:" $cm.SiteServer
#Start processing
switch ($action.ToUpper())
$collectionType = GetCollectionType -collectionName $collectionName
$existingMembers = GetMembersFromCollection -collectionName $collectionName -collectionType $collectionType
foreach ($member in $existingMembers.GetEnumerator()) { Write-Host $member.Key }
$collectionType = GetCollectionType -collectionName $collectionName
$newMembers = GetMembersFromTxtFile -filePath $filePath
if ($collectionType -eq 'NEW')
CreateNewCollection -collectionName $collectionName -newMembers $newMembers
$collectionType = GetCollectionType -collectionName $collectionName
$existingMembers = GetMembersFromCollection -collectionName $collectionName -collectionType $collectionType
AddMembersToCollection -collectionName $collectionName -collectionType $collectionType -existingMembers $existingMembers -newMembers $newMembers
$collectionType = GetCollectionType -collectionName $collectionName
$existingMembers = GetMembersFromCollection -collectionName $collectionName -collectionType $collectionType
$oldMembers = GetMembersFromTxtFile -filePath $filePath
RemoveMembersFromCollection -collectionName $collectionName -collectionType $collectionType -existingMembers $existingMembers -oldMembers $oldMembers
Write-Host "Invalid Action, exiting:" $action
#Load modules needed for Windows Forms
[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing")
[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")
#Set globals
$global:UI = $false
$global:CollectionMembersTextBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
$global:CMProvider = $null
#Check for arguments, if none then display user interface
if (!($FilePath) -and (!($Action)))
$global:UI = $true
else { ConsoleMain -siteCode $SiteCode -collectionName $CollectionName -action $Action -filePath $FilePath }
April 08, 2014
always good stuff, russ.Anonymous
October 22, 2014
Thank you very much! This is just what I need.Anonymous
October 30, 2014
It is possible to run this on a PC where the CM Console is NOT installed?Anonymous
October 30, 2014
If you re-write the parts of the script that use the CM PowerShell cmdlets and, recoding them to use WMI instead, then yes you could run this on a machine without the CM cmdlets installed.Anonymous
February 28, 2015
Thank you for this. Very useful!Anonymous
May 18, 2015
Looking for the opposite, looking to copy direct membership of a given object to another given objectAnonymous
June 23, 2015
this is awesome. I am going to add securitygroup as an imput so we can add by securitygroup membership instead of text file. also the remove does work so well. you have to provide the exact name.