
Syspine Response Point units now in stock!

This is the way to start out the new year right!   We just heard from our friends at CMP, and the first batch of Syspine units have arrived and are available for immediate shipment!  We presume this is first come first serve, so, give Jerry a call today if you're looking to procure your first Response Point systems. 

Please let us know how your customer sales and marketing are going, we've heard that one of our RP VARs has already sold four Response Point systems!  As always, we'd love any great customer stories to share, so please drop us some email, we're anxious to hear from you!

Here's the email from CMP:

We just received our first full production-run shipment of Syspine / Response Point units. Many are already spoken for but we do have some extras available. FYI, our next shipment is not expected until late this month and I’m not sure how long these will last so we may have a small window during which we will be on backorder status again.


If anyone wants one of these, or more information, have them call our sales team: 1-877-4-A-Syspine (877-427-9774) and say “Sales”, or by

email: jmoore@cmptel.com .

