
Help us test Response Point

Jayman Dalal, one of our testers, asks for your help putting the final touches on Response Point.  If you'd like to participate, please call any of the following phone numbers and leave voicemails for either Jayman or Doug Duchene (one of our developers).  Try to leave 3 separate phone messages, each in a different tone:

  • normal (just speak with your normal voice)
  • soft (speak in a low voice, as if you're trying to avoid others overhearing you)
  • High (use a loud voice, even shouting if possible)

Each call can be from your speaker phone, cell phone or home phone. If possible, also have your spouse or friends leave the messages too as it will be helpful.

Numbers to Call: 425-556-9487, 425-556-9487

Please leave a message in the following format:

“This is <your name>. I am calling from <cell phone or speaker phone or handset>. My service provider is <Cingular, Verizon, Sprint, Nextel, TMobile, Microsoft, Unknown>. This voicemail is in <normal, high or soft> tone. There is currently <no, little or lot of> background noise. <Feel free to hangup or sing your favorite song>”

Note: Remember to replace the <bracketed term> with appropriate values. These are the meta-data that will help Jayman analyze what type of audio data is not being normalized properly.

Please call soon.  Jayman needs to turn off those phone lines and use them for something else once this test is complete.