
Calling all ISVs in Ireland and Northern Ireland - ISV Page for Resources / Training / FAQs etc.

There is such a role in Microsoft as "ISV Developer Evangelist", and while that's not my official title a large portion of my job is focused on working with ISVs to make the best use of Microsoft technologies and to some extent to help them navigate both Microsoft the organisation and enormous product list of the company.

To this end I have created a page on my blog dedicated to topics and information of interest to ISVs in Ireland and Northen Ireland. Initially I have included links to relevant training and licensing programs, but over time I want it to grow into a useful central resource where in addition to blog posts, you will find information on how to partner with Microsoft, Frequently Asked Questions (and answers) and links to support, partner programme and contact information.  

Here's the link to the page: Ireland ISV Resources. To give you an idea of what's there, check out the ISV Innovation link. If you opt for Visual Studio 2008 you will find a link to a 4 part series on Visual Studio 2008, and an upcoming Web Seminar on VS 2008 (10th Sept 2007).

I'd be really interested as to whether you think this is a good idea and most importantly what information you'd like to see show up on this page. In fact if you have suggestions for guest content I would definitely like to hear from you.