The Mobile Line of Business Solution Accelerator is Live!
If you're looking for resources to give you a head start in building a Windows Mobile line of business application to deploy in your enterprise, look no further than Covering the use of Visual Studio 2005, the .NET Compact Framework 2.0, C#, Windows Mobile 5.0, SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition (SSCE), this kit illustrates the best development practices in the following areas:
- Supporting various device UI's through Docking and Anchoring.
- Utilizing Error Logging to capture application exceptions for later analysis.
- Bringing desktop-style XML Application Settings to the Compact Framework.
- Enforcing the use of Application Layers to promote loose-coupling and flexibility.
- UI Layer - UI components, navigation, input validation and communications only with the Business Layer.
- Business Layer - Services and Business Entities.
- Data Layer - Classes that communicate with SSCE, the file system, and the network.
- Data Access In-Depth
- High-speed data retrieval from SSCE.
- Hydrating Business Objects and populating strongly-typed Collections.
- Data Binding Collections to UI components.
- Merge Replication
- Describes how to build a scalable, multi-server solution that utilizes Active Directory.
- Enforces security best practices through the use of reduced-privilege Domain user accounts.
- How to reduce bandwidth needs by reducing the number of objects in a published Article.
- Marking lookup tables as Download-only to eliminate tracking metadata.
- Selecting Column-level tracking to reduce merge conflicts.
- How to create Static Filters to reduce the amount of data going out to all Subscribers.
- How to create Parameterized Filters to reduce the amount of data going out to specific Subscribers.
- Create a secure mobile Subscription inside the SQL Server Management Studio.
- Includes a SQL Server 2005 database to get started with in a lab.
- Learn about Custom Control development by creating a Signature Capture Control.
- Using a Singleton to cache frequently used objects.
- Making your mobile application Network-Aware via the SystemState object in order for it to make intelligent decisions regarding communications with network resources.
- Utilizing Splash Screens to occupy and inform the user while your application is loading.
- Adding Help to each of your application's screens via a hyperlink in order to educate your users and reduce support calls.
- Inform your users of important application events through the use of Notification Balloons (Toast).
- Communicate with the MapPoint Web Service in order to retrieve maps and directions to a mobile device.
- Learn how to build a CAB project in order to deploy your application to the field.
The kit contains a fully-functioning Mobile Supply Chain application with over 5,000 lines of commented code to help boost your understanding of Windows Mobile development. It also includes a Visio diagram that illustrates the architecture of the Supply Chain application.
- Anonymous
May 29, 2009
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