
Back in Developer Experience (DX) and @ //build 2015!

For the previous 3+ years I worked on Xbox 360 and Xbox One media apps as part of the Xbox engineering team and I am very excited to bring over what we've learned working with Xbox partners to the Universal Windows Platform.  I haven't been able to blog much because the majority of the Xbox Apps program is NDA but in my new role as Microsoft moves to the Universal Windows Platform I look forward to posting more on how best to take advantage of the platform and not just around media and Xbox, though I will continue to focus on those as well :-) 

I recently re-joined the Developer Experience (DX, formerly DPE) corporate team with a continued focus on apps and devices. For the past 2-3 months in DX, I have been working with the OSG Design team to bring forward what we've learned on those platforms to the Universal Windows platform.  We demonstrated both WinJS and XAML versions of the Media Sample app at //build 2015.  You can check out my session co-presented with Lynnette Reed along with the other great design sessions here:


I was very excited to present what I've been working on like mad with the Operating Systems Group (OSG) design team at //build 2015.  We provided a preview of what we've been working, focusing on the Media App template as the first of many sample apps.  Keep an eye out for updates here on my blog and on #UWPDesign on Twitter as we make progress towards shipping the samples in the near future.