NUnit & VS Integration Macro
I'm always using a simple macro to configure test projects in VS, here is the macro updated to NUnit 2.2
Imports System
Imports EnvDTE
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports VSLangProj
#Region "Path to NUnit"
Public Module NUnitConstants
Public Const BASE_PATH As String = "c:\Program Files\NUnit 2.2\bin\"
Public Const NUNIT_FX As String = BASE_PATH & "nunit.framework.dll"
Public Const NUNITGUI_RUNNER As String = BASE_PATH & "nunit-gui.exe"
End Module
#End Region
Public Module TestProjectConfigurator
Dim currentProject As VSProject
#Region "Private"
Private Sub addReference(ByVal referencePath As String)
End Sub
Private Sub setDebugProperties(ByVal runnerPath As String)
Dim assemblyName As EnvDTE.Property = CType(currentProject.Project.Properties.Item("AssemblyName"), EnvDTE.Property)
Dim configProps As Properties = currentProject.Project.ConfigurationManager.ActiveConfiguration.Properties
With configProps
.Item("StartAction").Value = prjStartAction.prjStartActionProgram
.Item("StartProgram").Value = runnerPath
.Item("StartArguments").Value = assemblyName.Value + ".dll"
End With
End Sub
Private Sub setBuildEvents()
Dim configProps As Properties = currentProject.Project.Properties
Dim appConfigCmd = "copy ""$(ProjectDir)App.config"" ""$(TargetDir)$(TargetFileName).config"""
With configProps
.Item("PreBuildEvent").Value = appConfigCmd
End With
End Sub
Private Sub configureProject()
End Sub
#End Region
Public Sub Run()
currentProject = DTE.ActiveSolutionProjects(0).Object
End Sub
Public Sub ResetConfig(ByVal nada As Object)
currentProject = DTE.ActiveSolutionProjects(0).Object
End Sub
End Module